Updates and Information |
World's Fair Stamp section.
1936-37 Great Lakes Exposition and Expo
70 Pictures.
A small problem has been discovered
by people finding my website through search engines. The 'back' button on your
browser will keep reloading my page instead of returning you to your previously
visited location. This happens because my website uses javascript for navigation
and loads two pages for every page you visit (index page on the left, and the
accessed page on the right). A work around to this problem is to left mouse
click on the small 'arrow' to the right of your browsers 'back' button and go
back two pages. I'm presently working on a different means of navigation which
will correct this problem.
Website banners created by "red". Visit the Support Earth Station 9
page and download one for your website.
Stan's Search Engine
Guide - The Wonderful World of Search
Engines and Web Directories. It's time for the "The Search Engine Shuffle".
99% of links open in a new window. I did this for
a reason. I'm using a JavaScript menu and any link, when clicked-on, would show
up in my frame. I didn't want that so I made all external links open in a new
Improved Website
Search Engine with Stan's Deluxe Search Box for Web Searching.
I put them both on one page so you can have the best of both worlds.
Coming: Updates on the World's Fair and
Exposition Information and Reference Guide.
Information |
The Main Menu is on
the left. Just click on the category and the header
page for that section will appear.
Click on the red
help books next to the category and
the index will expand.
Each category page
has an index and directions for bookmarking that page.
Please note: When bookmarking pages, the page displayed on the URL address bar will be
the page that is bookmarked. If the URL address reads only,
then you'll be bookmarking only the main index page.
Link additions are accepted, just send an email with
your websites
address. And pick a category and a page where you would like your link placed.
If your link is on my website and you don't want it
just let me know where it's located and I'll remove it.
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individual or company that has a link on this website.
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Information on this website is provided for educational
purposes only.
Map and Flag images are in the US public domain.
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Logo © 2001-2002 red.
Articles, creative endeavors, images, stories and photographs
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website are owned and copyright property of Stan Daniloski unless otherwise stated. All rights are reserved.
For permission to reprint any article
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And just in case: Dolphin safe.
Batteries not included. Freshness guaranteed.
Don't remove this tag.
Don't use in the shower.
Actual mileage may vary.
Do not use while driving.
Discontinue use if rash persists. Offer void where prohibited by law.
Objects appear larger than they actually are.
Enjoy your Stay - The Mayor
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