Earth Station 9 - Relevance is Everything

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Banner Links


  • To place a text link on your web page. Just copy and paste this link. Earth Station 9 .
    The link will open a new window when clicked-upon. 

  • For specific pages, just send me an email with the location and I'll send you the code.

  • To place a banner on your website, just right click on one of the images below and save. 
    Then use the associated code provided below that image. The code will open the Earth Station 9 main page in a new window when clicked-on.

  • And for those that have their website listed on Earth Station 9, I have a special banner that tells the world that your website is listed on the best reference site on the Net. Just right click and save the 90 x 90 pixel banner that has "listed" on it. And copy the code.
  • Note: the "src=" is the original name of the banner, if you copy and save under a different name, change the "src=" accordingly. Please make sure the image name is correct.
  • These great banners, as well as the large new Earth Station 9 logo and banner, were created by "red", a "man of imagination and creativity" who has designed two great websites - 1914 Schweizerische Landesausstellung and Yucca Tree Records, the Weird Music Label and Home of "diledadafish". If you have the time, stop by and visit.

468 pixels  by  60 pixels

Earth Station 9 Logo - Relevance is Everything


<a target="_blank"  href=""><img border="0" src="es468.gif" width="468" height="60" alt="Earth Station 9">


120 pixels  by  60 pixels

Earth Station 9 - Relevance is Everything 

<a target="_blank"  href=""><img border="0" src="earth120_3d.gif" width="120" height="60" alt="Earth Station 9">


90 pixels  by  90 pixels


<a target="_blank" href=""><img border="0" src="earth90_listed_3d.gif" alt="This website is listed in the Earth Station 9 Directory" width="90" height="90">



  • For those in a position to sponsor pages, categories or this website. 
    Just send me an email with your ideas.

  • Sponsorship can be monetary. Or physical if someone (or group of individuals) would like to maintain and update pages on this website. Just send an email.

  • I'm an easy person to get along with. The only stipulation that I'm placing on this proposal will be no pop up banners. Well, maybe one or two depending on the content and 'irritability factor'. And not on the front page.

  • Thanks for your interest  -  Stan Daniloski, The Mayor


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Earth Station 9 Banners & Logo © 2001 red
Website © Copyright 1997-2001, Stan  Daniloski. All Rights Reserved.