I created this website as a resource for the small business
person and as a good relevant reference for web surfers.
My ability to work on this website is very limited. And due
the fact that I don't charge for this service, I will add links at my own time
and discretion (it's my money and my website).
Here's all you have to do: Send an email with the words "link addition" in the subject heading.
Then include your link and
page location.
That's it. Links will not be added if you do not
include a page location.
Due to the enormous amount of spam this website
receives, your email will be filtered to the trash can if you do not use "link
addition" as your subject.
Any program generated link-addition
submission-forms will also be trashed. If you can't take the time to search for
your location, type a 10 second email and or add my link by hand to your
website, I'm not wasting my time adding your "free" link to my
Please don't add anything else to your message
other than location and a short description. Crap like "how exchanging
links can improve ..." or "how you added a link to my website and I
want you to put mine on yours or I'll remove it" because frankly, I don't
care. I built this website to help small business owners, hobbyists and people
generally trying to improve their lives. And I refuse to read through paragraphs
of why linking to a website about worms can improve my website ranking.
If you add paragraphs of fluff, html coding and
images of your product, it will be trashed.
The rule is simple: Link
Addition as your subject. Link and page location in
your email.
It may take longer than a month to get your link added
(I get approximately 400 link submission requests a month). Recurring health
problems also delay link additions.
You will not get an email saying that it has been added.
I just don't have the time.
Your website will not be added if it is
heavily laden with commercial advertisements or pop-up banners, contains
pornographic material or features gambling.
I make the final decisions - it's my website.
This website has been on the Internet for over 6
years and gets over a quarter of a million page views a month. Many people
benefit from exposure on this website.