A cookie is a small text
file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from a Web site to the hard drive of your
This unique number usually contains
your IP address, a time and date, and information about your visit to a website.
But no personal information.
An IP address is like your house
address on the Internet.
The information a cookie stores depends
on who is placing the cookie.
Most cookies are used passively
to track activities on a Web site,
such as storing Web site preferences, and are generally
deleted when you leave the website. They can also be used to
automatically supply a password for a subscription-only site.
These stay on your computer and are necessary for you to use that Web
Advertising cookies are active and are
used to track your Internet
browsing activities. These cookies stay on your machine and are
"called" at predetermined intervals by a marketer.
In the latter case, these
can be used to collect information about an online shopper's preferences so that electronic marketers can target their offerings to that
Don't delete
cookies without learning more about them.
To learn more about computer cookies,
visit my Information about Cookies page.
Or visit The
Electronic Privacy Information Center's Cookie Page
and the The
Cookie Concept - from CookieCentral.com.