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US Civil War

New York in the American Civil War


General Resources - Artillery - Cavalry - Engineers - Infantry


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General Resources

A Narrative of the Experiences of Robert Pierce While a Soldier in the Civil War -  13th New York Volunteer Infantry, Company G
AIA New York State Home Page
Brooklyn Historical Society
Civil War Rosters - New York
Civil War Soldiers of Chautauqua County - New York
General Grant National Memorial - New York, New York
Letters, Diaries, Reminiscences, and Manuscripts of New York Soldiers and Nurses
Letters written by Private Justus G. Matteson during the Civil War -
 Cortland County, New York
New York - Regimental Histories
New York Civil War Regiments Online
New York Draft Riots
 Description and ORs of Military Personnel Involved
New York Historical Research
New York Historical Society
New York Historical Society Site 2
New York Rosters
New York State and the Civil War
New York State and the Civil War
New York State Archives
Private Russell S. Disbrow - 108th New York Infantry
Reenactors of the American Civil War New York Units Online
Robert Piece, A Narrative of Experiences in the Civil War
 13th New York
Roster of Men Joining the U.S. Army from Pitcher, Chenango County, New York - 1861-1865
Samuel S. Dunton Civil War Letters - 114th New York Infantry 
The Civil War Pension Records of Pvt. Daniel Scantlin of the 98th New York Volunteers
Western New York in the Civil War 







Engineer Units

1st New York Volunteer Engineer Regiment - Regimental History 



Infantry Units

1st New York Dragoons
5th New York Volunteer Infantry - Duryee's Zuoaves
9th New York Volunteer Infantry - Hawkins Zuoaves
9th New York Volunteer Infantry
 Hawkins Zuoaves Historical Association
12th New York Volunteer Infantry
14th New York State Militia, Company E
16th New York Volunteer Infantry
17th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Westchester Chasseurs
20th New York State Militia - The Ulster Guard
29th New York Volunteer Infantry
33rd New York Volunteer Infantry
34th New York Volunteer Infantry
37th New York Volunteer Infantry
39th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Garibaldi Guard
42nd New York Volunteer Infantry - The Tammany Regiment
43rd New York Volunteer Infantry, Company E
44th New York Volunteer Infantry - Ellsworth Avengers
47th New York Volunteeer Infantry
47th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Washington Grays
48th New York Volunteer Infantry
49th New York Volunteer Infantry, Company H
52nd New York Volunteer Infantry
53rd New York Volunteer Infantry - The D'Epineuil Zuoaves
55th New York Volunteer Infantry - Lafayette Guards
56th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Tenth Legion
62nd New York Volunteer Infantry - Anderson Zuoaves
64th New York State Volunteer Infantry - Cattaraugus Regiment
69th New York State Militia, Company B
69th New York Volunteer Infantry, Company A
 First Regiment, Irish Brigade, "Faugh A Ballagh"
71st New York Volunteer Infantry, Company I
72nd New York Volunteer Infantry, Company C
 The Third Excelsior - RACW
72nd New York Volunteer Infantry, Company I
75th New York Volunteer Infantry, Company H
76th New York Volunteer Infantry
76th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Cortland Regiment
76th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Cortland Regiment
77th New York Volunteer Foot Regiment
78th New York Volunteer Infantry - Company C
79th New York Volunteer Infantry - Cameron Highlanders
79th  New York Volunteer Infantry
 2nd Site - Cameron Highlanders
83rd New York Volunteer Infantry
89th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment
89th New York Volunteer Infantry, Company I
91st New York Volunteer Infantry
91st New York Volunteer Infantry
 Diary excerpts, Rosters, History, Photographs, Links
97th New York Volunteer Infantry
101st New York Volunteer Infantry
104th New York Volunteer Infantry
107th New York Volunteer Infantry
109th New York Volunteer Infantry
111th New York Volunteer Infantry
112th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Chautauqua Regiment
114th New York Volunteer Infantry
115th New York Volunteer Infantry
115th New York Volunteer Infantry
117th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Fourth Oneida Regiment
118th New York Volunteer Infantry
119th New York Volunteer Infantry 
121st New York Volunteer Infantry
122nd New York Volunteer Infantry
125th New York Volunteer Infantry
128th New York Volunteer Infantry
134th New York Volunteer Infantry
136th New York Volunteer Infantry
137th New York Volunteer Infantry
140th New York Volunteer Infantry
144th New York Volunteer Infantry
147th New York Volunteer Infantry
149th New York Volunteer Infantry 
149th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Fourth Onondaga
151st New York Volunteer Infantry, Company H -  
 Memoirs of Pvt. Simon Cummins
152nd New York Volunteer Infantry
154th New York Volunteer Infantry - The Hardtack Regiment
155th New York Volunteer Infantry - 155th Reenactment Regiment
157th New York Volunteer Infantry
160th New York Volunteer Infantry
 The Civil War Records of Pvt. Edmond (Edward) Coon 
160th New York Volunteer Infantry - William Ryan
162nd New York Volunteer Infantry - Metropolitan Guard
165th New York Volunteer Infantry - Duryee's Zuoaves
173rd New York Volunteer Infantry
178th New York Volunteer Infantry
185th New York Volunteer Infantry - Onondaga Regiment
188th New York Volunteer Infantry
189th New York Volunteer Infantry




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