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A Shop 4 Antiques -
Glassware, Costume Jewelry, Books, Potery, etc. |
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Articles, Want Ads, For Sale Ads, etc. |
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Alice Antiques
Links Database Directory -
Over 900 Web Links - 2300+ Classified
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Resource Guides -
462,100 links, 375 Sub Categories, 3500 Sub
Sections |
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items in 174 Categories |
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Sites on the Web, Best - Huge |
Antique and Collectible Exchange
Haven |
Antique Guide - Antique Business
and Shop Guide Directory |
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A Listing
of Internet Antique and Collectible Sites |
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Antiques and Collectibles |
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A Searchable
Database for Antiques and Collectible's |
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Dealers |
Antiques, Collectables, International
Arts Forum Home Page |
and Ephemera Webring, Postcards - 79 Sites |
Art Glass, Collectible's Webring - 104 Sites |
and Collectible's Webring - 347 Sites |
Antiques Fairs at the Meadows -
Racing Track South of Pittsburgh, PA |
Antiques Warehouse -
UK |
Antiques Web - Discovering
Antiques in Great Britain |
Antiques World - Belgium |
Antiques World - Buy and
Sell |
Antiques.com - Antiques and
Collectibles Resources |
Antiques.The Links.Com - Antique
Links |
- Trade Cards, Postcards, Phone Cards -
An Antique and Collectible Community |
Associated Antiques Dealers of
America, Inc. |
B & B Shop - Fenton
Glass, Animals, Lamps |
Belgium and Holland Antiques
On-Line -
European Antique and Collectibles - One Great
Site |
Antiques Shows - Brimfield, Massachusetts |
Buyers Index - Search over 15,000
Web Shops, Catalogs |
Classic Memories Antiques and
Collectibles -
Also Fenton, Vaseline and Other
Glassware |
Search-O-Rama -
Glassware, Pottery, Dinnerware, Ceramics |
Collector On-Line -
Antiques and Collectables - Neat Site |
Collector Pages - Buy/Sell
Advertisements |
Collector's Digest,
Word-Wide - A Collectible's Outlet |
Collector's Heaven -
Vinyl Records, Disney, Ceramics, Jewelry, Toys, etc. |
Collector's Web - Antiques and
Collectables |
Curioscape - Antiques and
Collectibles Directory -
Over 13,000 Shops and Resources |
Cyberattic - Antiques and
Collectables |
Facets Antique Mall
Shopping Directory -
Glassware, Pottery, Jewelry,
etc. |
Fritz Antiques -
Antiques and Collectibles |
Gemmary - Scientific
Instruments, Old Rare Books |
Glenbourne Antiques,
Home Page at -
Antiques an Antique Collecting Information and
Resource |
Haggle Mart - Buy/ Sell Antiques
and Collectibles |
Hakes Americana |
Heartland Discoveries -
Antiques and Collectable |
Horse Soldier - Military Antiques
- Gettysburg, PA |
Antiques and Collectibles - On Online Store |
Kaleden - Antique and Collectables -
Overall Page - Good |
Liberty's Antiques - French Antiques
- Paris, France |
Mega-Antiques and Collectible's -
Jewelry, Furniture, Toys, Antiques, Paper, Pottery |
Lawernce - Meissen, Oriental, Euopean, English Porcelain |
Nations Attic - Kansas' Premier
Antique Broker |
Granny's Attic - Antiques, Collectables, Gifts |
NJM Gallery - Fine Contemporary Art
Glass -
Perfumes, Paperweights, Goblets, etc. |
Yes Antiques and Collectibles |
Old Mint House
Antiques -
One Large Antique Wholesaler and Exporter in
England |
Peacelist -
Mailing Lists, Discussion Forums,
Classifieds, Internet Shop Resources |
Pen Delfin
Collectables |
Pfaltzgraff Folk Art
Philadelphia Print Shop -
Antique Prints, Maps and Related Books |
Gift Gallery |
Renninger's Antique and Collectible
Markets -
Adamstown and Kutztown, PA and Mt. Dora,
FL |
Country Barns Antique Co-op |
Sunshine Antiques -
Depression Glass, Pottery, Jewelry, Collector Plates, etc. |
Swappers and Collectors - An
Antique and Collectable Resource |
Flea Market Webring Index - 10 Sites |
Tias -
Antiques and Collectibles Catalog -
over 220,000 items Listed |
Tips and Terms
for Collectors - Vintage Collectible's Showcase |
Yer Goods Webring - 61 Sites |
Trading Depot - Classified Ads
for Antiques and Collectables |
Twin Brooks - Antiques and
Collectibles |
UK Directory -
Antiques and Auctions - 237 Sites |
Victorian Antiques
Marketplace - A Great Source |
Webrings - Join one of Hundreds of
Webrings or Create Your Own |
World Wide Collectors Digest -
Zcntr.com - Antique and Collectible
On-Line Web Stores |