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Stan's Bookmarks

Land of the Strange, True and Unusual


General Information - The S's, Part 1


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Sacharuna - Shamanistic
Sacred and Religious Texts
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry of the Earth and Planets - AWESOME Resource
Sacred Landscape, The
Sacred Sites, Explore the Worlds
Sacred Sites, Ancient Civilizations
 More Production, but Well Done
Sacred Britain - Tours and Research
Sacred Sites from Colorado to Arizona
Sacred Space and Stone Circles - The Geo Group
Sacred Transformations
Saint Pachomius Library, The
Saints and Angels - Catholic Online
Self-Realization - Sales Horror Stories
Saltwater Fishing -
Salvador Dali Gallery
Salvador Dali Home Page
San Francisco Earthquake - Municipal Report
San Francisco Bay Area, Archaeology in  
San Francisco Earthquake - March 22, 1957
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, Great 1906 
San Francisco History - By Subject - Great
Sanchez Treasure -
 1850s - One Woman, 8 Dead Men and Lots of Money 
Sandal's and Sock's 
Sandpaper Museum - Minnesota
Sanskrit Documents
Santeria - Orisha
Sasquatch Watch - Intermountain Research Center 
Sassy Dog - Worldwide Dog Bite Service -
 'When we bite 'em, they stay bit' 
Satan and the Fallen Angels
Satan and the Forces of Chaos
Satellite TV FAQ
Satsang - Wisdom, Knowledge
Saturday Night Live Curse - Who2 Loop
Saturn Gnosis - The Real Fraternitas Saturni
Scandinavian Lake and Sea Monster Saga
Scandinavian Mythology and Folklore
Scartoons - Racial Satire in the Civil War
Schizophrenia and Mysticism
Schmidt's Coca-Cola Museum - Kentucky
Science, Strange
Science, Weird 
Science, Weird - Cryptozoology
Science, Weird - Free Energy Devices
Science and Religion, Some of Einstein's Writings on
Science and Technology Info Resources - AWESOME
Science Fiction Movies -
Science Frontiers -
 Strange Science, Bizarre Biophysics, Anomalous Astronomy
Scientific American - Archives
Scientific and Medical Network 
Scientific Exploration, Journal for
Scientific Information, Institute for - ISI
Scientific Inquiry Into OBE - Bibliographies
Scientific Pantheism
Scientific Pantheism - Basic Principles
Scientific Study of Consciousness-Related Physical Phenomena
Scientology FAQ
SCI.Skeptic FAQ - The ULTIMATE in What is...
Scintillating Grid Illusion
Scoop on Poop
Scotland - Clyde Valley Travel and Historic Information 
Scotland: Stones of Wonder
Scottish and Medieval History, Skyelander's 
Scottish Culture - Gathering of the Clans
Scottish Culture - Soc.Culture.Scottish Newsgroup FAQ
Scottish Highlands - Medieval History 
Scouting FAQ
Scrapbook Layouts - 11831 Entries in 85 Different Categories
 Hard to Find, Ancient and Unusual Fonts - Great Selection
Scrolls From The Dead Sea - Ancient Library of Qumran and .... 
Scuba Diving -
Scuba FAQ
Sea Monster: Champ the Lake Champlain 
Sea Monster: Champ the Lake Champlain - A Short History
Sea Monster: Irmo the Lake Murray, South Carolina
Sea Monsters
Second Amendment Webring - 60 Members
Second Largest Gator Ever Built - Florida
Secret Caverns - New York 
Secret Society Webring - 89 Members
Secrets of Fatima, The - The End Days
Secrets of the Vimana - The Ancient Legends
Sefirot of the Kabbalah, The Ten 
Seicho-No-Ie - Truth of Life a Philosophy
Self Help and Psychology Resources
Self Improvement FAQ
Self Realization Fellowship - Paramahansa Yogananda
Semantic Rhyming Dictionary, The
Semi-Magical World of Natalie, The
Sepheroth and the Paths of the Tree of Life 
Sepheroth and the Pathways of the Tree of Life 
Serial Killer Archive
Serial Killers and Mass Murderers -
Serial Killers 101
Serial Killers Website
Seth's Concept
SethWorks Mooseum, The
SETI Search Engine
Seven Chakras, Seven Bodies -
Seven by Nine Squares
Seven Gates - Art, Religion, Sex, Drugs, Science, Magick
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 
Seventh Day Adventists
70's Flashback Webring - 102 Sites
Sexuality, History of  
Sexuality, Society for Human - Good Site for Anyone
Shadowlands - Mysteries, Ghosts, Cryptozoology, Bigfoot, etc
Shadows and Light Webring - 5 Members
Shakespeare -
Shamanism - see Shamanism in the Religion and Belief's Section
Shanghai Buildings - Skyscrapers
Shangri-La - North Carolina
Sharing the Spirit Webring - 114 Members
Shasta Spirit - The Mountain
Shatner Rocks
SheepWorld - Home of the Sheep
Sheet Music, Historic American  
Sheet Music at Duke 
Shenanigans FAQ
Shiatsu - Pressure with Fingers
Shiatsu - Therapeutic Art of Japan
Ship Models FAQ
Ships of the Ancient Greeks - Bulfinch's Mythology 
Shock Monkey - The Monkey Only Understands Play
Shoe House - Pennsylvania
Shoe of World's Largest Man - Claimed - New Mexico
Shoe Tree's - Roadside Attractions - Nevada
Shoes Made from the Skin of an Executed Killer - Wyoming
Shorty the Squirrel Monument - Texas
Shoshone Ice Caves
Shrine Drive-Thru Tree - California
Shrine of the Holy Relics - Ohio
Shrine of the North American Martyrs - New York 
Shrine of Wisdom
Shriner's Hospital and Shrine 
Shroud of Turin - 
 under Shroud of Turin in the Religion and Belief's Section
Shrunken Heads Automobile Accessories  - 
 Fuzzy Dice, Hula Girl, Nodding Dog, etc
Sid and Marty Krofft, The World of 
Sid and Marty Krofft, The World of - Indoor Amusement Park
Sightings, Jeff Rense
Sightings on The Radio Website - Jeff Rense - A Lot of Articles
Sign Writing
Simpson's Archive, The
Sing Sing Prison Museum - New York 
Singles FAQ
Sioux, Myths and Legends of the
Sites on Psychical Research
Sivananda Yoga "Om" Page
16 Color
Skeleton of World's Largest Man - California
Skeptic, Mind Surf With the
Skeptic FAQ
Skeptical Quotes, Famous
Skepticism, Myths of
Skeptics Dictionary - You Name it's Here - A Must for Everyone
Skeptics Society
Skinny Young Lincoln Statue - Illinois - Tired of Intro's?
Skywarn Webring Index
 National Weather Service Spotter - 53 Sites
Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreams Research
Sleep Paralysis/Hag Phenomena
Slut Machine - One Arm Bandit
SmallTalk FAQ
Smiley Dictionary, The Unofficial
Smiley- Liste
 800+ Combinations of Keyboard Figures with their Meaning
Smiley Ring Index - 13 Members
 Make 200 Different Keyboard Smiley's with their Meanings.
SmileZone - People, Places and Things That Makes You Smile 
Smithsonian Institute
Smokey Bear Statue - Minnesota
Smokey the Bear's Grave - New Mexico
Smoking Cessation -
Smoking Gun, The - Freedom of Information Act Cool, 
 Confidential and Quirky  Documents  that can't be Found 
 Elsewhere on the Web
Smothers Brothers Home Page
Smurphy's NYC Skyscraper Photos






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