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US Civil War

West Virginia in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments - Battles and Battlefields


  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words US Civil War and the topics will fold/unfold. 


General Resources

Belcher, WV Civil War Research
Civil War Connections and Collections - Letters and partial 
 rosters from Lawrence Co., KY and Wayne Co., WV
Civil War in West Virginia
Civil War Roundtable of Southern West Virginia
Civil War Rosters - West Virginia
CJ'S Civil War Home Page - 13th West Virginia Infantry - 
 has a Civil War Naval Ship Slideshow
Confederate Regiments
Union Regiments
Union Regimental Index - Civil War Archive
West Virginia: Civil War Files - USGenWeb Archives
West Virginia in the Civil War
West Virginia Military
West Virginia Reenactors Association
Wayne County West Virginia Civil War Site
 W VA, KY and OH Region
West Virginia Regimental Histories - James River Publications



Units and Regiments

1st West Virginia Cavalry, Company C
3rd West Virginia Infantry -
 6th West Virginia Vets Volunteer Cavalry
7th West Virginia Cavalry, USA - Formerly the 8th West Virginia 
 Infantry and the Eighth West Virginia Mounted Infantry 
7th West Virginia Infantry - The Voice of the Bloody Seventh
12th West Virginia Infantry
13th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry - History
14th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry -
 Stephen Williamson's Ancestor Page
15th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry - Muster Roll



Battles and Battlefields

Civil War Map of Battles - West Virginia
Civil War Battle Map - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Camp Allegheny - wv008 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Carnifex Ferry - wv006 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Carnifex Ferry, Battle of
Cheat Mountain - wv005 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Droop Mountain - wv012 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Droop Mountain, Battle of
Greenbrier River - wv007 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Greenbrier River, Battle of
Harpers Ferry - wv010 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park - Harpers Ferry, WV
Harper's Ferry National Historical Park Virtual Visitor Center
Hoke's Run - wv002 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Kessler's Cross Lanes  - wv004 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Moorefield - wv013 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Philippi - wv001 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Rich Mountain - wv003 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Shepherdstown - wv016 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Smithfield Crossing - wv015 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Summit Point - wv014 - West Virginia - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP




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