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US Civil War

4491 links in 71 Categories


General Information - Index - Bookmarking 


  • Topics include: Battlefields, Cemeteries, Colored Troops, Flags, Genealogy, Generals, Images and Clipart, Medicine, Museums, Native American, Naval Resources, Pension Records, POW Camps and Prisons, Publications, SCV Camps, State by State Resources, Sutlery, and Women in the War.

  • This is the largest private collection of Civil War related links on the  Internet and the ONLY overall listing with individual State by State Resources.

  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words US Civil War and the topics will unfold. OR you can use the index below.

Alabama Kentucky Pennsylvania
Arizona Louisiana Pension Resources
Arkansas Maine POW Camps/Prisons
Battlefields A-J Maryland Publications
Battlefields K-Z Massachusetts Rhode Island
Battles Medicine Roundtables
California Michigan SCV Camps I
Cemeteries Minnesota SCV Camps II
Colorado Mississippi South Carolina
Colored Troops Missouri Sutlery
Connecticut Montana Tennessee
Dakota Territory Museums Texas
Delaware Native Americans The Blue
Flags Naval Resources The Gray
Florida Nebraska The Blue and Gray
Genealogy Nevada Union Regiments
Generals New Hampshire Vermont
Georgia New Jersey Virginia
Idaho New Mexico Washington DC
Illinois New York Washington State
Images and Clipart North Carolina Webrings
Indiana Ohio West Virginia
Iowa Oklahoma Wisconsin
Items for Sale Oregon Women in the War


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