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US Civil War

Union Regimental Information


State Listing - Categorical Listing - Union Corp Histories


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State Listings

Alabama - 6 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Arkansas - 17 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
California - 12 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Colorado - 8 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Connecticut - 36 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Dakota Territory - 1 organization - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Delaware - 15 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
District of Columbia - 41 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Florida - 2 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Georgia - 1 organization - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Illinois - 239 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Indiana - 195 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Iowa - 64 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Kansas - 54 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Kentucky - 80 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Louisiana - 23 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Maine - 53 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Maryland - 35 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Massachusetts - 165 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Michigan - 76 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Minnesota - 21 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Missouri - 447 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Mississippi - 10 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Nebraska - 6 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
New Hampshire - 31 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Nevada - 2 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
New Jersey - 49 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
New Mexico - 19 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
New York - 393 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
North Carolina - 8 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Ohio - 315 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Oregon - 2 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Pennsylvania - 383 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Rhode Island - 41 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
South Carolina - 5 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Tennessee - 56 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Texas - 4 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Virginia - 1 organization -
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Vermont - 27 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Washington - 1 organization - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
West Virginia - 37 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
Wisconsin - 73 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive



Categorical Listings

Corps De Afrique - 30 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
US Colored Troops - 186 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
US Regular Army - 86 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
US Veteran Reserve Corps - 212 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
US Veteran Volunteers - 10 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
US Volunteer Indian Troops - 4 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive
US Volunteers - 10 organizations - 
 Regimental History form the Civil War Archive



General Union Corp Histories
from the Civil War Archives

1st Corps 14th Corps
2nd Corps 15th Corps
3rd Corps 16th Corps
4th Corps
Army of the Potomac
17th Corps
4th Corps
Army of the Cumberland
18th Corps
5th Corps 19th Corps
6th Corps 20th Corps - McCook
7th Corps - Virginia 20th Corps - Hooker
7th Corps - Arkansas 21st Corps
8th Corps 22nd Corps
9th Corps 23rd Corps
10th Corps 24th Corps
11th Corps 25th Corps
12th Corps Cavalry Corps
Army of the Potomac
13th Corps Cavalry Corps
Armies of the West




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