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US Civil War

The Gray - Confederate Specific Resources


General Resources


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 General Resources

Aw Shucks, Southern Links
Battle Flags of the Confederacy
Battle to Save Confederate Park
Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library -
 Biloxi, MS
Black Confederates Fact Sheet
Civil War Units File - CSA - States A-M
Civil War Units File - CSA - States N-V
Confederate Ancestor Research Guide
Confederate Cemetery Lists -
 1732 Cemeteries Listed in All 50 States
Confederate Irregular Warfare 1861-1865 -
 Partisan Ranger Units and Guerrilla Commands
Confederate Ladies Aid Society -
 Belle Boyd Chapter - Shreveport, Louisiana
Confederate Memorial Association
Confederate Military Lodge of Research
Confederate Monuments - Symbols of Valor
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows Database -
 Digital Library Program, Library of Virginia
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows Electronic Card Index - Virginia
Confederate Regimental History Links
Confederate Research Room - Lineages
Confederate Rosters - Virginia
Confederate Rosters - Supplement - Virginia
Confederate Soldiers & the War between the States in Northeast Texas
Confederate States Constitution - FTP Site
Confederate States Navy
Confederate Troops in Missouri -
 Missouri Divisions and Commanders
Confederate Units and Localities - Virginia
Confederate Disability Applications - Virginia
Genealogy of the Davis Family - Jefferson Davis
Kirchner's Map of the Confederacy - 1863 - 
 First Definitive Map of the Confederate States of America.
Major John W. Fairfax
Memorial Hall Confederate Museum - New Orleans, LA
Military Order of the Stars and Bars -
 Wayne Van Zandt Chapter - Little Rock, Arkansas
Morgan's Men Association
MOS&B - Military Order of the Stars & Bars - 
 Major Graham Daves Society of Alabama
Museum and White House of the Confederacy
North/South Alliance - First Confederate and First Federal Divisions
Patrick R. Cleburne Society
Rebyll's Confederate Homepage
Remembering the Dixiecaust
Sons of Confederate Veterans Home Page
Sons of Confederate Veterans Genealogy Network
Star of the South
The Calcasieu Confederate Reporter
The Confederate Network - Categorized Index - over 1,000 links
United Daughters of the Confederacy
Unknown Confederate Soldier
Valor in Gray: Recipients of the Confederate Medal of Honor
War for Southern Independence Links
William Clarke Quantrill Society




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