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US Civil War

The Blue and Gray - 

American Civil War Resources


General Resources


  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words US Civil War and the topics will fold/unfold. 


A Barrel of Genealogy Links
A Guide to Compiled Service Records - Civil War Soldiers
A Nation Divided: The US Civil War
A Year of Glory - June 1862 - June 1863
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site - Hodgenville, KY
Alice's Interesting Dead Folks - Includes Civil War Personal Stories
alt.war.civil.usa - Newsgroup - 
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America's Caesar - Abraham Lincoln
America's Civil War
American Battle Monuments Commission - Civil War
American Civil War - by Nikki Roth-Skiles
American Civil War Alphabetical List of Battles 
American Civil War Association -
 California Reenactment Organization
American Civil War Homepage
American Civil War Information Center
American Civil War Links
American Civil War Maps - Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection
American Civil War Research and Genealogy Database -
 Large Resource, Small Annual Fee
American Civil War Resources
  Virginia Tech Library Special Collections
American Civil War Sources: General & Index
 Great Source for Anything Relating to the Civil War
American Civil War Timeline
American Civil War Unit Bibliographies
 US Army Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks
American Civil War Unit History Bibliographies -  
 US Army Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks
American History  by Don Wise
American History & Genealogy Project
American Local History Network
American Memory Page - Library of Congress
American Wars, Military History, and Military Affairs 
American - State Battle Maps - Exhibits - Timeline
An Outline of the Civil War 
APCWS - Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites
Armistead Marker Preservation Committee
Artillery Reenactors Directory
Band Music from the Civil War Era 
Battle Summaries - CWSAC - Heritage Preservation Services
Beauvoir - Jefferson Davis Home 
 and Presidential Library - Biloxi. Mississippi
Behind the Stonewall - 360 Degree Panoramas of Harpers Ferry,
 Gettysburg, Manassas, Chickamauga, and Antietam Battlefields 
Biographical Directory - An Eclectic Guide - Lause's Links 
Brady's US Sharpshooters
Canadians in the American Civil War
 Alphabetical - Union and Confederate
Canadians in the American Civil War - Homepage
Causes of the Civil War
Children of the Confederacy
 An Auxiliary of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Chronological List of Civil War Battles - by Don & Lois Harvey
Chronology of the American Civil War
Cindi's Civil War Home Page
Civil War Album - Photos/Reports
Civil War Artillery
Civil War Artillery Homepage
Civil War Battles Page
Civil War Blackpowder Handguns
Civil War Book News
Civil War Classifieds.
Civil War Clipart Gallery 
Civil War Defenses of Washington
Civil War Diaries, Letters and Memoirs
Civil War Family Photos Page
Civil War Field Fortifications Website 
Civil War Field Fortifications - TOC - Fortifications Information
Civil War Fife and Drum Page
Civil War Generals on the Web
Civil War Heavy Artillery - Listing
Civil War History  by Don Wise
Civil War Home - Library of Congress  
Civil War Homepage
Civil War in Indian Territory
Civil War In Miniature
Civil War Interactive's LinkCentral
Civil War Library and Museum - Pennsylvania
Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients, A - L 
Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients, M-Z 
Civil War Museum Exchange Hotel
Civil War Music Store
Civil War Token Society
Civil War Period Uniforms and Accouterments
Civil War Photographs Home Page - Library of Congress
Civil War Poetry and Music
Civil War Records at Western Historical Manuscript Collection -
 Index Page - Missouri
Civil War Records in the Florida State Archives
Civil War Reenactor's Homepage
Civil War Resources
Civil War Resources from A.J. Morris
Civil War Rosters - By State
Civil War Roundtable of Southern West Virginia
Civil War Screen Savers
Civil War Small Arms The Rifle Musket -
 Characteristics of Civil War Rifle Muskets 
Civil War Soldier Vocabulary
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System
Civil War Songbook - Corinth Information Database
Civil War Studies
Civil War Veterans in Cyndi's Family -
 Cartwright, Ingle, Sanderlin and Walterhouse
Civil War Virtual Archive Webring Index - 126 Links
Civil War Women - On-line Archival Exhibits at Duke University
Colonel Berry Narratives
Colonel Edward T. Fristoe - served under General Sterling Price
Conference on Women and the Civil War 
Court-Martial of Major General Fitz John Porter - ORs 
Court-Martial of Henry Wirz - OR of the Military Commission that
 tried Henry Wirz - Commandant of Andersonville. Contains
 charges and specifications, finding of the court and sentence
Cycles of US History - Civil War Cycle 1792-1859
Cyders Civil War Reenacting Unit Directory
Cyndi's List of Civil War Sites
Dave Larson's Webpage
Delaware Civil War Society
Diaries and Letters - Links to Online Civil War Diaries and Letters
Dixie Net
Electric Cemetery
Elisha Dyer Camp No. 17 - RI Department SUVCW
Finding a Civil War Ancestor
Ford's Theatre National Historic Site - Washington, DC
4th Artillery Regimental Brass Band -
  Re-creation Civil War Brass Band - Denver Colorado
Frederick Dyer's Compendium of the War of the Rebellion -
 10,455 Military Incidents
Frederick Phisterer's Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States
Fredericksburg Battlefield Virtual Tour 
Friends of President Street Station
Fulkerson Index - Family Veterans - and a lot of them
General Burnett's Memories of the Lincoln Assassination Trial
General Officers of the Civil War
General Pettigrews Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg
General Sweeny's Museum of Civil War History
George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War
Gettysburg Information Site
Global Context of the American Civil War - Lauses Links
Great Books of the Civil War!
Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics
Hearts of Blue and Gray -
 Civil War Sites in Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Hill College: Harold B Simpson History Complex -
 Confederate and Union Soldiers
Index of Civil War Information Available on the Internet
Grand Army of the Republic - GAR
Grand Army of the Republic Records -
 1882-1949 - Oregon Historical Society
Grand Army of the Republic In Michigan
Grand Army of the Republic in Oklahoma
Grand Army of the Republic Posts in Wisconsin -
  Wisconsin Veterans Museum
Greater Toledo Civil War Roundtable - Ohio
Henrod's Civil War Page  
Historic Blakeley State Park and Civil War Fort Blakeley, AL
James River Publications
Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War Index 
Jews in the Civil War
Joel Craig's Bivouac - Civil War 
 Correspondence, Humor, Reenactment Photos and Trivia.
Joshua Chamberlain
Ken Jones' Eclectic Projects Page
Letters Home from a Civil War Soldier 
Letters of Captain Richard Burt 
Letters of the Civil War
Library of Congress Civil War Photos
Life Stories of Civil War Heroes
Lincoln Memorial - Washington, DC
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial - Lincoln City, Indiana
Lincoln Home National Historic Site - Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln's War Cabinet
Living History & Reenactment Pages of the Geschichtstheatergesellschaft - portrays German Revolutionists
Louisiana State University Civil War Center
 One of the Best Resources Available
Major Battles of the Civil War 
Marine Detachment - Washington Navy Yard
 Marines in the Civil War
Mason-Dixon Line's Civil War Recipes - for all occasions
Mathew Brady Images
Meagher's Irish Brigade - Honourable Society fo the Irish Brigade
Medical Directors Reports
 Various Reports of some of the Medical Directors on Both Sides
MHI Photograph Database
 American Civil War - Military History Institute
Military History Online - US Civil War
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States - MOLLUS
Military Research Room - Lineages
MilitaryHistoryOnline: Battle of Gettysburg
Museum of the Confederacy
Music and Poetry of the War Between the States
Myth of the Lost Cause and Civil War History, The
NATF 80 Forms - And Other Forms and Charts
National Archives Civil War Records -
 US National Archives and Records Administration
National Civil War Association - NCWA Homepage
National Parks Service Manassas Homepage
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion
Onsite Documents - Lause's Links 
Order Form for the Civil War Press
Orders of Battle - by Michael Busby
Our Ancestors in the War Between The States 
Paul's Civil War Page
Poetry and Music of the War Between the States by Kathy Fraser
Port Columbus Civil War Naval Center -
 formerly the Confederate Naval Museum in Columbus, GA
Raising the Gunboats Homepage
Rape in the Civil War -
 Soldiers Known Executed for Rape During the War
Reconnaissance on the Rappahannock
Red River Campaign
Reenactors Home Page
Rocky Mountain Civil War Roundtable
Royal Irish Artillery Home Page
Sectional Conflict
Sherman's March through South Carolina
Shotgun's Home of the American Civil War - a Great Site
Sidebar: Casualties 
Sloop-of-War Constellation - Newsgroup 
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State Participation in the Civil War - Lause's Links
Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign 
Strieby Family Civil War Letters  - Great Site
Tabular Overview of Major Battles -
 Theatres and Battles in the American Civil War - Lause's Links
Tenny's Civil War Page
The American Battlefield Protection Program
The American Civil War  by Bobby Ragan
The American Civil War - Dakota State University
The American Civil War - University of North Texas
The American Civil War Homepage
The Annis Family in the American Civil War -
 Union and Confederate
The Charles Teasdale Memorial Site
The Civil War
The Civil War - An Online Study Guide by Mark Lause - Statistics
The Civil War 1861-1865 - The History Place
The Civil War Archive
The Civil War Artillery Page 
The Civil War Clip Art Gallery
The Civil War for Kids - by Students in Sleepy Hollow, New York
The Civil War Home Page
The Civil War Lady
The Civil War Living History Forum
The Civil War Message Board Portal
The Civil War Round Table of Dallas
The Civil War Preservation Trust
 Organization to Preserve Historic Civil War Battlefield Sites
The Electric Cemetery - Various Civil War Related Topics
The George H. Thomas Homepage
The German American Songbook
The History Channel
The Lincoln Assassination - Detailed
The Longstreet Chronicles
The Lotz House Museum
The Mifflin Guard
The Multi-Lakes Association for Civil War Studies, Inc 
The Mystery of Special Orders 191
The Origins of the Civil War
The Plug Ugly Homepage -
 Plug Ugly is the name of General Alpheus Williams Horse
The Private History of a Campaign that Failed - Mark Twain
The Southern Home Front 1861-1865 -
 Documenting the American South
The Turnbo Manuscripts
The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War
The Veterans and Military Websites Main Page by American Heroes Info Services
The War for State's Rights
The War of Northern Aggression - Southern Heritage 
The War Times Journal 
The War of the Rebellion - Compilation of the 
 Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Time Line of The Civil War, 1861-1865
To The Limits Of The Soul's Ideal
 A Tribute to Joshua Chamberlain
Tom Hughes' Civil War Homepage
Trans-Mississippi Rifles (TMR)
Tuklo's Civil War Homepage -  Dedicated to the 
 American Indian, Scottish, Irish and Celtic People
US Army Military History Institute Website
US Civil War 
US Civil War
US Civil War Center - Mainpage
US Civil War Center - Civil War Links Index
US Civil War FAQ v 2.07 - by Justin M. Sanders - FTP Site 
US Civil War FAQ v 2.11 - by Justin M. Sanders - FTP Site
US Civil War Photographs - Army of Northern Virginia Area 
US Grant Home Page
USGenWeb Archives: West Virginia: Civil War Files
Veterans of the American Civil War Buried in Australia 
Virginia Historical Documents - by Don Wise
Virginia Military Institute Archives
War for Southern Independence 
William Wing Loring WWW Page -
Loring Fought Under Three Flags
Women and the Civil War -
 Special Collections Library, Duke University
Women and the Civil War -
 Historical Essays, Resource Materials, etc.
Women Soldiers of the Civil War
Women's Civil War Diaries and Papers - Locations




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