Information - Index - Bookmarking - Unusual News Headlines
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following categories now have their own page: Abuse,
Alternative Medicine, African Studies, Angels, Animals, Aromatherapy, Astrology, Astronomy, Auras, Biblical, Civil
War, Dictionaries, Dreams,
Environment, Fantasy, Genealogy, Health, Herbs, History, Libraries, New
Age, Maps, Medieval, Native
American, Philosophy, References, Religion
and Wiccan.
Topics are indexed library style and
cover: Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Societies, Bigfoot, Chakras, Chaos, Controversies, Consciousness, Conspiracies, Cosmology, Crop Circles, Crystals, Cryptozoology, Demons, Earth Science, Esoteric, Extraterrestrial,
Faeries, Feminism, Folklore, Fortean, Ghosts, Gnomes, Great Thinkers, Hauntings, Healing, Hippy, Homeopathy, Horology, Hypnosis, I-Ching, Kirlian Photography,
Kabbalah, Kundalini, Legends, Medicine, Meditation, Metaphysics, Miracles, Museums, Mysteries, Mystic Places, Mythology, Near-Death Experiences, Neuroscience, Numerology,
Organizations, Pagan, Paranormal, Prophecies, Psychic Phenomenon, Qumran, Reflexology, Runes, Sea Serpents, Shamans, Skepticism, Sleep Paralysis, Spirits, Theology, UFOs, Visionaries, Witches, and then
there's the Weird Stuff.
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covering weird or unusual topics.
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and the topics will unfold. OR you
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Stories and Weirdness in the News