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Search Engine Library

Search Engine Help and Guidance


Editors Opinion - General Information - Resources 


  • First let me say that "AOL" and "Yahoo" are NOT the Internet.

  • AOL is an ISP and they do not own the web (but they try). An interesting fact about AOL is that they make approximately $14 per person through advertising revenue each month. In addition to the $23.95 your paying each month for Internet access.

  • Yahoo is a web directory that believes they are the Internet that Al Gore invented. Which is probably why the "search term" "Yahoo" shows up consistently in the Top 10 Keywords every month (this one may take some thinking).

  • Now that we have that straightened out, lets get on with the show.

  • For information about search engines, please read my Search Engine Guide. It has everything that you could possibly want to know about search engines and web searching.

  • For Specific Country and US State Search Engines, visit the International Countries and US States categories.

  • For US Government - see the US Government Category.

  • I built a one page multi-search box, and put it under my website search engine on the Search the Web page.

  • For the latest Search Engine News, check out the Newsfeeds section.

  • Due to the forever changing world of search engines, and the lack of time to update and code pages, I have officially retired this section. But I've kept a few pages alive and have listed a few great resources with plenty of search engines for you to play with :-).



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*AOL and Yahoo are trademarks of their respective companies.




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