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Collector Information Center

Antique Reproduction and Replica Manufacturers


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AA Importing Company - Wholesale
Aircraft Models of War and Peace
Antique and Collector's Reproduction News
Antique Reproduction Builders Hardware
 Furniture and Cabinet, Fireplace, Lighting
Blanche's Place
 - Historic Clothing and Accessories (Men and Woman)
Bogwood Works - Reproduction Cranberry Scoops
Branch Hill Joinery Amish Furniture and Amish Quilts
Brass Reproductions - Manufacturers of Solid Brass Lighting
Castle Antique's and Reporductions - Wholesale
Chapman and Son's - Replica US Civil War Artillery Sights
Chinese Portrayers Online
 Museum Quality Replica Oil Paintings and Portraits
Cobre Imports - Hand Blown and Crafted Glass from Mexico
Collectics - Virtual Museum for Art Deco and Art Nouveau Antiques
Collection Reproductions - Furniture
Country Tinware
 Hand Crafted Lighting Fixtures and Lamps
Dareg - Tip Galle lamps and Vases
Excaliber Gun Reproductions
Famous Art Reproductions
Gilchrist Studios On-Line - Comic Strip Reproductions
Glass from China - Chinese Reproductions
Grand Illusion Clothing Company
 Replicas of US Civil War Uniforms and Civilian Clothing
Heirloom Reproductions
 Antique Victorian and French Reproduction Furniture
Historical Documents Historical Reproductions
Reproductions of the Important War Documents of the US
Historical Reproductions, C J Daley
Jasper Cabinet Company
 Accent Furniture - Curio Cabinet's/Secretaries/Chest's
Lamp Fashions
 Tiffany Style/Floor Lamps/Crystal Chandeliers/Alladin Kereosene
Laurelton Hall Collection - Antique and Collectable Reproductions
Legendary Arms
 Military Dress/Knives/Swords/Bugles/Rapiers/Insignia, etc.
Mitchel Andrus
 Arts and Crafts/Mission Style/Bungelow Style Furniture
Mountain Man Hats and Sashes
Reproductions of  'Fur Trade Era'  Clothing
Past Reflections -  US Civil War and 
 19th Century Woman's Period Clothing Reproductions
Peterson Reproductions - Genealogy Related Items, Like Prints - Portrait and Art 
 Reproductions Service Located at Chongqing in China
Quartermaster Shop - Replica US Civil War Uniform's
Replitiques, Colonial Reproductions by
Reproductions International - Oak Reproduction Furniture - UK
Roseland Icebox Company - Antique Reproduction Wooden
 Iceboxes with Complete Electrical Refrigeration Components
Rosso Wholesale Glass Dealer Inc
 Selling Collectable Glassware
Saunders and Cooke - Hand Crafted Antique Nautical Re-Creations
Shafer's Classic Reproductions, Inc. - Ford and Chevrolet Parts
Snoopers Paradise - Hand Carved Javanese Antique Reproductions
Swartzendruber Hardwood Creations Prairie Furniture
 Arts and Crafts Movement  Styles
T-Reproductions - Antique 'Buddy-L' Toy Reproductions
Tin Signs USA - Nostalgic Reproduced Tin Signs
Tudor Manor - Quality European Antiques and Reproductions
Western Connection - Art Glass and Galle Reproductions






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