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US Civil War

Pennsylvania in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments - Battles and Battlefields


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General Resources

Camp Letterman General Hospital
Civil War: Pennsylvania Regiments by Helen More
Civil War Burials in Montgomery County, PA
Civil War Diary of Bingham Findley Junkin
 100th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - Roundheads
Civil War Records of Bucks and Northampton Counties - PA
Civil War Rolls for Washington County, Pennsylvania
Civil War Rosters - Pennsylvania
Civil War Roundtable of Eastern Pennsylvania
Civil War Soldiers from Jefferson County, Pennsylvania
Edward Baker's California Regiment
 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
First Defenders CWRT
Friends of the National Park at Gettysburg 
Geology and the Gettysburg Campaign of 1863
 State University of New York, Oswego, Geology Department
Gettysburg Discussion Group 
Gettysburg Information Site
Gettysburg National Cemetery - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Gettysburg National Military Park - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Main Street Gettysburg
Pennsylvania - Regimental Histories - James River Publications
Pennsylvania Civil War Veterans 
Pennsylvania Civil War Volunteers
 Eastern Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments
Pennsylvania in the Civil War
Pennsylvania Military Resources for the Civil War
Pennsylvania Militia of 1862
 Company H, 1st Regiment, Cumberland County, PA
Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiments Muster Rolls and Service Records
Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War - Rosters, 
 Pension Rolls, Draft, Diaries, Regimental Histories, more
Roly's Gettysburg Website
Roster of the 101st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Schuylkill County Civil War Roundtable
The Gettysburg Address at Library of Congress
Tioga County, Pennsylvania Civil War Soldier Bios
Valley of the Shadow: Living the Civil War in Pennsylvania and Virginia



Units and Regiments

1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company I - Index
6th Pennsylvania Cavalry - Rush's Lancers
11th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 108th Volunteers 
12th Pennsylvania Cavalry 
15th Pennsylvania Volunteers Company C
16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company M - Reenactors
17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company E - Reenactors
17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company I
25nd Pennsylvania Volunteer, Company B
34th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
36th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - 7th Reserve
38th Pennsylvania Militia
47th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Companies A and E
50th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company E
51st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Companies B and K
53th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - Roster
61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
67th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company H
71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
 Edward Baker's California Regiment.
74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - German Civil War Regiment
78th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
84th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - US Civil War 1861-1865
93rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry 
101st Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry
103rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - Original and Reenactors
114th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E - Collis' Zuoaves
115th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - Irish Brigade
125th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
125th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
 Memorial - Roster of All Companies
128th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - Company C, Reenactors
149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
176th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
 Companies A, B, D, E, G, I and K
188th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
205th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry - PDF File
210th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry



Battles and Battlefields

Civil War Battle Map - Pennsylvania - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Civil War Map of Battles - Pennsylvania
Gettysburg - pa002 - Pennsylvania - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Gettysburg - Pennsylvania - Battle description with ORs
Gettysburg, Battle of
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Battle of - Order of Battle
Gettysburg Homepage, Battle of - Military History Online
Gettysburg National Military Park - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Hanover - pa001 - Pennsylvania - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP




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