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US Civil War

Ohio in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments - Battles and Battlefields


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General Resources

Battery L, First Ohio Light Artillery
Camp Dennison Civil War Museum
Cincinnati Civil War Round Table
Civil War Attractions in Ohio
Civil War Diary of Elias D. Moore -
 114th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company A
Civil War Documents Searchable Database  - 
 Western Reserve Historical Society
Civil War Guide Project - Factbook - Ohio Historical Society
Civil War Manuscript Collection - 
 The Hayes Presidential Center General Collections
Civil War Manuscript Collections - 
 Center for Archival Collections, Bowling Green State University
Civil War Map of Battles - Ohio
Civil War Rosters - Ohio
Confederate Memorial Museum & Cemetery - Atoka, Oklahoma
Fight for the Colors - Ohio Civil War Battle Flags
First Lieutenant Rufus Ricksecker, 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry -  
 30 Civil War Letters - Killed on September 19, 1864 
 at the Battle of Opequan (Third Winchester).
Fort's Washita and McCulloch - 
 Indian Territory - 1842-1865 - Oklahoma
Greater Toledo Civil War Roundtable
Isaac Spears Sanderlin, Private, Co. I, 100th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War 
James River Publications - Regimental Information - Ohio
Lawrence County, Ohio in the Civil War
Letter from Sergeant Joseph Fisher, Company A, 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - from Camp McCook, Cumberland, Maryland
Letters from Captain RW Burt - 76th Ohio Infantry
Letters of Hillory Shifflet -
 Company C, 1st Regiment of Ohio Volunteers 
Ohio Historical Society - Archives, Libraries Page
Ohio Historical Society 
 Fight for the Colors -Hundred's of Civil War Battle Flags
Ohio in the Civil War  by Larry Stevens
Roster of Casualities and Units - Van Wert County
SUV Camps in Ohio
The Civil War Lady -
 Trumbull County Ohio Civil War Soldiers and Information
The Civil War Page - Lawrence County, Ohio
Trumbull County Ohio Civil War Veterans
Western Reserve Historical Society



Units and Regiments

1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery L
1st Ohio Light Artillery, Company I
1st Ohio Light Artillery, Company D
2nd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry - Roster - FTP Site
3rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry - Roster - FTP Site
3rd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry - Roster
4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
5th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
6th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - History and Reenactors
6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment
7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry 
8th Ohio Infantry, Company B
14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - Great Site
22nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry - Regimental History
29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, USA
41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry - History
45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry 
48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry 
49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
51st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
55th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
55th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - History and Reenactors
66th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
72nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
76th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
89th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company B
96th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
98th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
121st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company H
121st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company H - Reenactors
125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - The Opdycke Tigers
126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry 
126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
142nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry - 100 Day Service
175th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, USA



Battles and Battlefields

Civil War Battle Map - Ohio - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Civil War Map of Battles - Ohio
Buffington Island - oh001 - Ohio - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Salineville - oh002 - Ohio - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP




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