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US Civil War

North Carolina in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments - Battles and Battlefields


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Battles and Battlefields

Civil War Battle Map - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Civil War Map of Battles - North Carolina
Albemarle Sound - nc013 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Averasborough - nc019 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Bentonville - nc020 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Bentonville, Battle of
Bentonville Battlefield   - North Carolina - Scene of 
 the Last Major Confederate Offensive of the Civil War
Fort Anderson - nc010 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Fort Fisher - nc014 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Fort Fisher - nc015 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Fort Fisher, North Carolina
Fort Macon - nc004 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Goldsborough Bridge - nc009 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Hatteras Inlet Batteries - nc001 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Kinston - nc007 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Monroe's Cross Roads - nc018 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Murfreesboro, Battle of
New Berne - nc003 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Plymouth  - nc012 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Roanoke Island - nc002 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
South Mills - nc005 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Tranter's Creek - nc006 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Washington - nc011 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
White Hall- nc008 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Wilmington - nc016 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Wyse Fork - nc017 - North Carolina - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP




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