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US Civil War

Naval Resources


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Brown Water Navy Roster - Be-aware of Gator Pop-up
Center for Fort Preservation and Tourism
Civil War Gunboat in Chicod Creek - ECU Students Study
Civil War Naval Forces Index
  by Ken Jones - Confederate and Union Ships
Civil War Naval Forces - Confederate Ships
 by Ken Jones - History, Illustrations, Notes
Civil War Naval Forces - Union Ships
 by Ken Jones- History, Illustrations, Notes
Civil War Naval Warfare
Civil War Navies - Articles, Images, Muster Rolls
Civil War Sailor and Marine Magazine and Association
 CWSMMA - Non-Profit Organizsation
Civil War Torpedoe Mines
Coast Defense Forts of New England
Coast Defense Study Group - Belair, Maryland
Coastal Monitors - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
Confederate Navy Collections Index - 
 Library of Virginia Digital Collections
Confederate States Navy - 
 Museum, Library and Research Institute - Mobile, Alabama
CSS Albemarle
CSS Alabama - History - US Naval Historical Center 
CSS Arkansas - Colonel Robert G. Shaver Camp 1655, SCV
CSS Arkansas - History -
CSS Hunley Page - National Park Service Ask a Question Form
CSS Hunley Submarine Recovery Information
CSS Neuse - North Carolina's Ironclad
CSS Neuse State Historic Site - North Carolina's Ironclad
CSS Sumter Roster - List of Personnel with some Biographies
CSS Virginia, Screw Frigate - ex Merrimack 
CSS Virginia Home Page
Deaths In the Union Navy - One LARGE List of Personnel in 
 the Union Navy Who Died During the Civil War 
Denbigh Project
 Archealogy of a Civil War Blockade Runner - Texas A&M
Exploration of the Phoenix Wreck via FSU 
Historical Maritime Society, The - HMS
Index to Ships of the Confederate States Navy - FTP Site
Ironclads and Blockade Runners
Kearsarge After Guard and Marine Detachment
Larboard Watch USN 1861-65 - USS Monitor Reenactors
Marine Detachment - Washington Navy Yard -
 Marines in the Civil War
Maritime History Virtual Archives
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, The - NOAA
Monitors - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
Muster Roll of the Confederate Steamboat Spray 
Nautical Terms and Phrases - Their Origin and Meaning
Naval and Maritime - WWW V-L
Naval Ships During The Civil War - CSN - by Index
Naval Ships During The Civil War - by Ship Type
Naval Traditions: Names of Ranks - The Story behind the Titles
Naval War: The American Civil War - 
 Shotgun's Home of the American Civil War
Navies in the Civil War - Gabe Central
Navy and Marine Living History Association
Norfolk Naval Ship Yard
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion - Civil War Navy Dispatches
Port Columbus Civil War Naval Center and Museum -
 formerly the Confederate Naval Museum in Columbus, GA
Powder Monkey Productions
River Monitors - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
Seaway's Ships in Scale Magazine - for Ship Modelers
Sinking of the Steamship SULTANA  
Ships of the American Civil War -
 List Compiled from Official Records
Ships of the Confederate States Navy - an Index - FTP Site
Smith's Master Index of North American Maritime Museum Resources
Some Civil War Action -
 Wakulla County Florida - St Marks, Florida
South Street Seaport Museum - New York, New York
St Louis' Ships of Iron - The Ironclads and 
 Monitors from Carondelet and St. Louis, Missouri
Submerged Cultural Resources Unit - National Park Service
Sultana: Death on the Dark River
Sultana Association, The
Texas Marine Department, CSN
Shotgun's Home of the American Civil War
The Fort Page
The Mariner's Museum - Newport News, Virginia
The "New Navy" Monitors
 Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
The Secession Acts of the 13 Confederate States
 a Listing - FTP Site
The US Navy in the Civil War: Western Theatre
 The "Brownwater Fleet"
Tippecanoe Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
Tom Apple's Living History Website -
 18th and 19th Century Reenactment Groups
Torpedo History
Traditions, Customs and Terminology of our Naval Heritage 
Underwater Archaeology Branch - US Naval Historical Center
Underwater Archaeology Projects - Florida State University
United States Navy - The Website
US Marine Detachment, Washington Navy Yard - 1859-1865
US Naval Shipbuilding Museum
US Naval Academy Museum
USS Baron De Kalb
USS Cairo - USS Cairo Museum,
 Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg, Mississippi
USS Cairo Photo Album -
USS Constellation - The Last Surviving Ship of the Civil War
USS Harvest Moon - Flagship of the 
 South Atlantic Blockading Squadron 1864-1865
Yazoo Naval Preservation Foundation
 Yazoo Afloat - Yazoo City, Mississippi




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