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Collector Information Center

Nautical - Maritime


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  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words Collector Information Center and the index will fold/unfold. 


American Merchant Marine in War
An Ocean of Memories Webring - 5 Sites
Authentic Boating - Apparel Gear
Cabin Class Collectables - Ocean Liner Memorabilia
Emigration / Ship Lists and Resources
Full Circle: The Titanic Ring - 96 Sites
Great Lakes and Seaway Shipping 
Historic American Engineering Record Maritime Program
 Ship Documentation
Historic Oceanliners Ring - 51 Sites
Historical Titanic Webring - 12 Sites
HMS Endeavor
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater
Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild
John's Nautical Links List
Knotting Dictionary of Kannet
Lighthouse Explorer Database -  
 Search for Lighthouses - Over 1900 Lighthouses Worldwide
Lighthouse Gallery and Gifts - Sea Beacons
Lighthouses and Ships within the National Park Service 
Mariners' Museum - Newport News, Virginia
Maritime and Naval WWW Virtual Library
Maritime History and Naval Heritage Homepage
Maritime History in the Southeast
Maritime History Research on the Internet 
Maritime History Virtual Archives
Maritime Links - It's BIG
Maritime Museums by Peter McCracken 
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page
Master Index of North American Maritime Museums
Merchant Mariners in the Revolutionary War
Mermaids - Mermaid Bay
NAGPRA - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation
National Maritime Historical Society - Sea History
National Maritime Initiative - National Park Service
Nautical and Shipware Merchant, Maidhof Bros
 Old Ship Relics and more
Nautical Terms and Phrases - Their Origin and Meaning
Nautical Works - Great Lakes, Nautical Art, Furnishings, Gifts
Nauticus- The National Maritime Center - Norfolk, Virginia
Naval and Maritime - WWW V-L
Naval and Maritime Museums - WWW V-L
Naval Traditions: Names of Ranks - The Story behind the Titles
New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail
Norfolk Naval Ship Yard
Oceanography - WWW V-L
Official Ring of Titanic Lovers Webring - 92 Sites
Passenger Lists on the Internet
Publicly Accessible Lighthouses - US - NPS
Publicly Accessible Large Historic Vessels - US - NPS
Publicly Accessible Lifesaving Stations - US - NPS
Rigging Dictionary
RMS Titanic Webring - 63 Sites
Roper's Knot Page
Seaway's Ships in Scale Magazine - for Ship Modelers
Shanties and Sailor Songs
Ships in Bottles
Ships Mentioned in Maritime History Books - An Index 
ShipSearch - Internet Passenger List Search Engine
South Street Seaport Museum - New York, New York
Submerged Cultural Resources Unit - SCRU
The Captains Maritime Links
 Merchant Marine, Ships, Pilots, Tugs, Nautical
The Great Lakes Shipwreck File 1679 - 1998
The Pride of Baltimore II
The Titanic Webring - 196 Sites
Titanic Historical Ring - 6 Sites
Titanic Pics Webring - 4 Sites
Traditions, Customs and Terminology of our Naval Heritage 
Underwater Archaeology Branch - US Naval Historical Center
Underwater Archaeology Projects - Florida State University
United States Naval and Shipbuilding Museum
 Quincy, Massachusetts
US Brig Niagara
US Coast Guard
US Coast Guard Navigation Center Home Page
US Merchant Marine Website
US Naval Academy Museum - Annapolis, Maryland
US Navy - The Website
US Navy History 
USS Constellation
Woman Mariners in WWII
World Ship Society






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