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US Civil War

Massachusetts in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments


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General Resources

Civil War Rosters - Massachusetts
Letters of the Civil War  - A Compilation of Letters, 
 Stories and Diaries  from the  Newspapers of Massachusetts 
Massachusetts - James River Publications
Massachusetts Civil War Research Center
Samuel J. Bradlee's Civil War Letters -
 A Massachusetts Artillery Officer
Springfield Armory National Historic Site
 Springfield, Massachusetts



Units and Regiments

1st Massachusetts Cavalry, Co B
1st Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry
2nd Massachusetts Cavalry, Co A
2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Heavy Artillery, Companies G & H -
 Rosters - Field and Staff Officers
3rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
5th Massachusetts Light Artillery, Battery E
6th Massachusetts Light Artillery
9th Massachusetts Battery 
10th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment
11th Massachusetts Infantry - Hooker's Brigade
15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - Andrew Sharpshooters
16th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - History
16th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - Iron Sixteenth
18th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
20th Massachusetts, Company D
20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - The Harvard Regiment
22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 
22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - Roster
23rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
27th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Company B 
33rd Massachusetts Volunteers
44th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Militia -
 The Second New England Guards Regiment
53rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Company I
55th Massachusetts Volunteers - African Descent
59th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry




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