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US Civil War

Maryland in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments - Battles and Battlefields


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General Resources

African American Records at the Maryland State Archives
Annapolis National Cemetery -
 One of the 12 Original National Cemeteries
Antietam National Cemetery - Sharpsburg, Maryland
Antietam on the Web
Baltimore Civil War Museum
Baltimore Riot Maryland - ORs describing the event
Battle of South Mountain
Civil War Rosters - Maryland
Civil War Rosters - Maryland
Coast Defense Study Group - Belair, Maryland
Fire on the Mountain - Battle of South Mountain
Fort Washington Park - Fort Washington, Maryland
James A Garfield Camp No. 1, SUVCW
Maryland - James River Publications
Maryland Civil War Monuments
Maryland Civil War Webring - 7 Links 
Maryland Historical Society's Guide to the Manuscript Collections
Maryland in the Civil War
Maryland's Civil War History
Union Regimental Index



Units and Regiments

1st Maryland Artillery CSA - Reenactors
1st Maryland Artillery, CSA - Unit History & Reenacting 
1st Maryland Battalion
1st Maryland Cavalry
1st Maryland Cavalry Battalion, Company B, CSA
 Unit History & Reenacting 
1st Maryland Cavalry Monument
1st Maryland Eastern Shore Regiment
1st Maryland Infantry, Company H, CSA - History and Reenacting 
1st Maryland Infantry, CSA - UK Reenacting 
1st Maryland Infantry, USA - Unit History & Reenacting 
2nd Maryland Infantry - US & Maryland In the Civil War 
2nd Maryland Infantry, Company A, CSA - Reenacting 
2nd Maryland Infantry, Company F, CSA - History & Reenacting 
2nd Maryland Infantry, Company G, CSA - History & Reenacting
2nd Maryland Infantry Battalion, CSA - Unit History & Reenacting
3rd Maryland Artillery - Reenactors
3rd Maryland Volunteer Infantry, Company A, USA - Reenactors
5th Maryland Infantry - Reenactors
7th Maryland Infantry, USA - Reenactors



Batlles and Battlefields

Civil War Battle Map - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Civil War Map of Battles - Maryland
Antietam - md003 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Antietam - Sharpsburg, Maryland - Battle description with ORs
Antietam National Battlefield - Sharpsburg, Maryland
Antietam on the Web
Baltimore Riot - Maryland - ORs describing the event
Boonsborough - md006 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Folck's Mill - md008 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Fort Washington Park - Fort Washington, Maryland
Hancock - md001 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Monocacy - md007 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Monocacy - Maryland - Battle description with ORs
Sharpsburg, Maryland, Battle of 
South Mountain - md002 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Williamsport - md004 - Maryland - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP




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