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Collector Information Center



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  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words Collector Information Center and the index will fold/unfold. 

  • Anything Relating to the Kitchen Including: Glass, Porcelain and Pottery China, and Dinnerware.



 Blue Transferware Pottery - History, List of Marks, More
Blue Bird China, Victoria Austria 
Burmese Cruet
 American and Victorian Art Glass Catalog - 1880s - 1910s
China Detectives - A China Matching Service
China Traders - China Replacement
Chinacraft - Bone China, Porcelain, Silver, Gifts, Crystal
Chintz and Shelley Tea Room
 Royal Winton, Shelley China, Linens, Silver, Recipes
Clarice Cliff
Clarice Cliff Collectors Club
Classic Antiques and Collectible's - Depression Era Glassware
Clayart - Discussions by Topic
Cookie Jar Matchmaker
Cookie Jars, Grandmother's
 A Collectors Site with over 200 Cookie Jars
Delftware - Delft Blue Porcelain - New Giftware
Depression Glass - See also the Glassware Category
Depression Glass Association, Canadian - CDGA
Depression Glass Association, National - NDGA
Depression Glass Mega-Show
 Shows, Library, Mailing List, Chat, Collectors Clubs
Depression Glass Shopper - Depression Glass Super Site - 
 Some areas are Free, Others you need to Sign-up
Dinnerware Warehouse - Replacement for China, Crystal, Silver
Dinnerware/Tableware Replacement
DishMatchers - Discontinued Patterns - Noritake, Pfaltzgraff, 
 Mikasa, Franciscan, International China, Sango, and more
Doulton, Collectable - Bunnykins, Beatrix Potter, Winnie-the-Pooh
Doulton Figurines - China, Gifts, Collectables
Early American Pattern Glass - Phyllis Petcoff
English Transferware by Cynthia May
Eva Zeisel Collectors Club
Fiesta -
Fiesta - GoFiestaHome
Fiesta Fanatic @Work - Everything Fiestaware
Fiesta on the Web
 Online New Fiesta Catalog - good color reference
Fiesta On-Line - Nice Page
Fiesta Price Guide, Vintage - Descriptions and Pictures
Fiestaware: Circa 36
 Fiesta, Kitchen Kraft, Harlequin, Riviera and other Information
Fiestaware Fiesta
 Dinnerware, Dishes, Pottery
Fiestaware from Mega-China
 Plain and Decorated Fiestaware Dinnerware
Fire-King History and Information Page, Billy the Kids
Fire-King Shop
Fitz & Floyd
Fitz and Floyd - from Reed & Cross
FlatwareHouse - Flatware On-line - 
 Sterling, Stainless, Silverplated, Stemware, Dinnerware
Flow Blue Collectors Club
Flower Frog Gazette - Flower Frogs
Franciscan, House of
Franciscan and Gladding McBean Collectors Website, Official
Fruit Jar Collectors Webring - 16 Sites
Gene Florence's Web Page - Depression Glass Book Author
Gien Dinnerware from Reed & Cross - Gien, France
Gien Dinnerware Page
Gladding McBean Collector's Homepage
 Dinnerware, Art Ware, Tiles
Hall China, Wonderful World of
Hall China Collectors Homepage
Haviland and Company History
Haviland China Home Page, Scott's
 Haviland China Matching Service - 100,000+ Pieces
Haviland China Resources
Hazel-Atlas - Moroccan Amethyst
Hazel-Atlas - Short History
Heisey Glass Museum, National - Newark, Ohio
Homer Laughlin China Collectors Association
Homer Laughlin China Company
Homer Laughlin China Company - Newell, West Virginia
Jade-ite Joe, Original - Sales
King's Crown Cupboard - Glassware
LE Smith Glass, About
LE Smith Glass Company - Gallery
LE Smith Glass Website - Front Page
Lead in China Dishes

Lenox - The Website

Libbey Glass Company 
Llardo Website
Lu-ray Pastels - Taylor-Smith-Taylor Pottery
Luray Pastel - For Sale
Maling Collectors Society - Pottery and Cetem Ware
Manufacturers and Dealers - A Listing from
Meissen History
Meissen - Staatliche Porzellan - Manufaktur Meissen Homepage
Milk Glass Collectors Society, National - NMGCS
Mitchel, Lawernce - Meissen, Oriental, European, English Porcelain - Beautiful Items for Sale
Moon and Star Glassware - John Weishar
Ms. China - Fine Noritake China Replacement, 
 Identification and Matching Service
Nippon Collectors Club, International - INCC
Old Ivory China
Owens Brockway Glass - Owens, Illinois
Pattern Glass Society, Early American
Pfaltzgraff, My Love of
Pfalzgraff America Collectors Club
Pfaltzgraff Folk Art
Pfaltzgraff Naturewood Club
Pfaltzgraff's Homepage
Pikard Retail and Custom China
Pixie Ware, Holt Howard 
Pixie Ware Page, Holt Howard
Pixie Ware Page, Holt Howard - Online Price Guide
Princess House
Pyrex Files, The
Reamer Collector's Association, National
Reamers and Depression-Era Kitchen Glass - Judy Smith's
Red Wing Collectors Society - RWCS
Red Wing Dinnerware Price Guide - Ray Reiss
Rosenthal China Homepage
Royal China - American Dinnerware
Royal Copenghagen Dinnerware
Royal Doulton - Authorized Seller
Royal Doulton - Giftware and Collectable's
Royal Doulton - Company Headqaurters
Royal Rochester - Tea Kettles, Porcelain Accesories, 
 Cutlery, Small Electrical Appliances
R.S. Prussia Collection, My
R.S. Prussia Collector's Home Page, International Society of
Russel Wright Orphan Web
Salt and Pepper Shakers Webring - 8 Sites
Set Your Table - Discontinued Tableware Dealers Directory
Silverwarehouse - Active and Discontinued Silverware Patterns
Simple Pleasures - Depression Glass, Elegant Glassware, 40s, 50s, 60s, Dinnerware, Pottery
Spode Porcelain and China Company
Starburst Collection, Bill Fickett's  - Franciscan Ware
Susie Cooper Dinnerware - For Sale
Tea Leaf Ironstone China Home Page
Teapots for Sale - Hall, Sadler, English, Noritake, Nippon
The DAZE - A Market and Research Site 
 for Glass,China and Pottery Collector's
The RWCN Restaurant Ware Collectors Network - 6 Sites
Tiles on the Web - A Great Site
Toothpick Holder Collector's Society, National
Town and Country - Red Wing Pottery - Eva Zeisel
Vernon Kilns - History
Vernon Kilns' Plaid Dinnerware
Vernonware - Vernon Kilns,Vernon California - 
 Collectable Dinnerware, Art Pottery  1930s, 40s, 50s
Vintage China - Collectable and Discontinued 
 China, Pottery, Porcelain and Dinnerware
Watkins and Watkins - Table Settings and Calligraphy Supplies
Wedgwood - For Sale - House of Ireland
Wedgwood - UK
Westmoreland Glass Articles
Westmoreland Glass Collector Club, National
Westmoreland Glass Society Inc. - WGSI
Wilkerson Glass Company - Moundsville, West Virginia
You Must Remember This
 20th Century Dinnerware and Accessories




Cafe Creosote - Recipe Index
Campbell's Kitchen - Recipes and More
Chef On-Line, Internet - Recipe Archive
Good Housekeeping Recipes - Free Coupons
English Server's Recipe Folder
Epicurious - Food, Drinks, Recipes, Cooking Tips, Shopping, etc.
1st Travelers Choice Internet Cookbook
 4,000+ Recipes from Innkeepers/Restauranteurs, etc.
Gourmet World - Catering, Agencies, Food Facts, Festivals, etc.
On-Line Cookbook, The - Recipes, Cooking, Food
RecipeLand - 48,000+ Recipe Archive for Food and Cooking
Russian Foods
Superbly Southwestern - Traditional New Mexican Recipes





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