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US Civil War

Kansas in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments - Battles and Battlefields


  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words US Civil War and the topics will fold/unfold. 





Units and Regiments

1st Kansas Battery
1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry
1st Kansas Volunteer Infantry - History and Reenactors
1st Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
2nd Kansas Volunteer Infantry
2nd Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
2nd Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
2nd Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry
2nd Kansas Battery
3rd Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
3rd Kansas Battery
4th Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
5th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
6th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
7nd Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
7th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
8th Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
9th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
10th Kansas Volunteer Infantry
10th Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
11th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
12th Kansas Volunteer Infantry, Company K
12th Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment
13th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
14th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
15th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
16th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
17th Kansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment



Battles and Battlefields

Civil War Map of Battles - Kansas
Baxter Springs - ks002 - Kansas - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Fort Scott National Historic Site - Fort Scott, Kansas
Lawrence - ks001 - Kansas - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Marais des Cygnes - ks004 - Kansas - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Mine Creek - ks003 - Kansas - 
 American Battlefield Protection Program - ABPP
Nicodemus National Historic Site - Larned, Kansas




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