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US Civil War

Illinois in the American Civil War


General Resources - Units and Regiments


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General Resources

Alton in the Civil War - Illinois
An Illinois Soldier in the Civil War
Civil War Rosters - Illinois
Database of Illinois' Civil War Veterans
 over 250,000 Men in 175 Regiments 
Grand Army of the Republic in Illinois
Illinois and the American Civil War
Illinois Civil War Rosters
Illinois in the Civil War - USGenWeb 
Illinois Regimental Histories - James River Publications
Illinois Women and the Civil War
Lincoln Home National Historic Site - Springfield, Illinois
Names of Richland County Soldiers who fought at the Siege of Vicksburg  - Richland, IL
Northern Illinois Civil War Roundtable 
Recruitment of Illinois Regiments
 Civil War, 1861-1865 - County Search
Recruitment of Illinois Artillery Regiments - 1861-1865
Recruitment of Illinois Cavalry Regiments - 1861-1865
Recruitment of Illinois Infantry Regiments - 1861-1865
The Memoirs, Diary and Life of Private Jefferson Moses
 Company G,  93rd Illinois Volunteers
The SWAN Family and the Civil War - 95th Illinois
Union Regimental Index



Units and Regiments

2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Battery G
4th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry 
7th Illinois Cavalry
7th Illinois Mounted Infantry, Company H -
 Enlisted Men - Lincoln, Illinois
8th Illinois Cavalry, Company B
9th Illinois Cavalry from Dyer's Compendium of the Rebellion -
9th Illinois Volunteer Infantry - The Bloody Nineth
17th Illinois Infantry
29th Illinois Infantry - Private John A Palmer
35th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Website
 Muster rolls,  History and  Reenactors .
37th Illinois Infantry, Company B - Reenactors
40th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry
43rd Illinois Volunteers, USA - History
48th Illinois Infantry
48th Illinois Infantry
48th Illinois Infantry - History
55th Illinois Infantry
55th Illinois Infantry 
59th Illinois Infantry
59th Illinois Infantry, Company D
74th Illinois Infantry
75th Illinois Infantry
76th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment - History
82nd Illinois Infantry - A Regiment of Immigrants
99th Illinois  Infantry - Illinois - History
99th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company D - Muster Roll
102nd Illinois Infantry
105nd Illinois Infantry
129nd Illinois Infantry
129th Illinois Infantry, Company D
 War History and Record - Winchester, Illinois




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