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The Worlds Fair and Exposition
Information and Reference Guide

General World's Fair and Exposition References




  • Worlds Fair's and Exposition's References - General Topic


1904  St Louis World's Fair - A Tour of the Palace of Agriculture
1982  Knoxville World's Fair - A Tour of the Palace of Agriculture
A Guide to Fairs and Expositions -
Address at the Charleston Exposition By Theodore Roosevelt - April 9, 1902
African Americans at the World's Fairs and Expositions
All the World's a Fair- Visions of Empire at 
 American International Expositions, 1876-1916 - Book 
Alphabetical List of Edison Movies
Alphabetical List of World's Fairs By City
 Sanoian Special Collection Library 
American Indian Exposition 
American Memory
 All Collections Search Page - Great Photo Collections
Bureau of International Expositions
 The Governing Body of World's Fairs and Expositions
Charles Dudley Arnold - Official Photographer of the Chicago
 Columbian Exposition and the Pan-American Exposition - 
 by Thomas G. Yanul
Donald G. Larson Collection on International Expositions and Fairs, 1851-1940
1851 Project - The Great Exhibition
1851-1903 Worlds Fair Database
 Sanoian Special Collections Library - CA
Expo 90 Foundation
ExpoKult - Exhibition of the Measurement Nature
Exposition - Definition from InfoPlease
Filipinos at World's Fairs and Expositions
Floriade Gemeente Haarlemmermeer - Netherlands
Henry Adams at the Fair - 1893
History of the Space Needle
Igorots at the World's Fair
International Exhibitions, Expositions Universelles and World's Fairs, 
- A Bibliography by Geppert, Alexander C.T., Jean Coffey
 and Tammy Lau
International Garden and Greenery Exposition - Japan
International Justice vs. The Splendors of War by Jim Zwick
International Petroleum Museum and Exposition - Morgan City, LA
International Security Conference & Exposition
 SC Expo - New York, Nevada, Illinois and Florida
International Sportsmen Expositions 
Internet World Exposition
Japanese Participation in 19th Century Expositions
JCU Library Services - Databases by Subject - Australia
Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center 
Les Expositions Presentees au Centre 
Museo Bagatti Valsecchi - Italy
National Art Library - Victoria and Albert Museum - England
National Fairground Archive - England
National Fairground Archives - Past Issue Extracts 
Native Americans at Worlds Fairs and Expositions
1901 Plan for Washington, DC
1904 Olympics - useless and funny information
Oregon Lewis and Clark Bicentennial in Oregon
Pacific National Exhibition 
Palace of Fine Arts - A Brief History of the Exploratoriums Home
Photographs of International Expositions - US National Gallery of Art
Photography Collection
 Western History, Genealogy Department - Denver Public Library
Progress Made Visible: American World's Fairs and Expositions - by Iris Snyder
Savage Acts: Wars, Fairs and Empire by Jim Zwick
Scouting at the Worlds Fair - 1933, 1939, 1962, 1964 and 1967
Snap Shooting Around the Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939
The Book of the Fair
 by Hubert Howe Bancroft - 1893 Columbian Expo - 1000 Pages Online
The Eiffel Tower Website
The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the Gilded Age - Alan Trachtenberg - 1893
The Liberty Bell and it's place at the World's Fair
 Actually 8 World's Fair's
The Liberty Bell Virtual Museum
The Maryland International Kite Exposition - Ocean City, MD
The Monorail Collector's Society
The National Mining and Industrial Exposition
 Short Summary - Aug 1882 -1884
The New Delhi World Book Fair
 Biennial Fair - Pragati Maidan, New Delhi 
The Palace Of Fine Arts - A Brief History 
The Reason Why The Colored American is Not in the Columbian Exposition - by Ida Wells, 1893
The World Congress & Exposition on Disabilities - WCD - Atlanta, GA
Time Capsule:1939 -
 Building the World of Tomorrow at the World's Fair
UCMP'S Tyrannosaurus Rex Exposition 
Unique History of the 1904 Olympics
VNU Exposition - full service event management company that
 professionally operates, arranges, organizes and sponsors trade
 shows, expositions, conferences, conventions and meetings for
 associations, corporations and government entities
Worlds Fairs and Exhibitions: Defining America and the World 1876-1916 - Jim Zwick 
World's Fair and Exposition Collectible's
 Items for sale, an impressive list
World's Fair Collectors Society 
World's Fairs -  Stereopticon 1901, 1904, 1907
World's Fairs and Expositions
 Defining America and the World,1876-1916 Edited by Jim Zwick 
World's Fairs and Exposition's: Parks and Attractions of the Exhibits- French
World's Fairs and International Expositions - Books for Sale




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