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United States

District of Columbia

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Direct References - State Resources - News Sources -
Television Stations - Archives and Libraries - Airports


  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words United States and the topics will fold/unfold. 

  • More museums in the Museums category (main menu on the left). 




State Resources

American Iron and Steel Museum - Wash, DC
American Portraits Catalog
Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and Culture
Arts and Industries Building
Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
Board of Elections and Ethics
Carrie-Bow Marine Field Station
Center for Education and Museum Studies
Civil War Map of Battles - District Of Columbia
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
Daughters of the American Revolution
DC- Bureau of Tourism
DC - Resources
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Department of Insurance and Security Regulations
Department of Recreation and Parks
District of Columbia Law Firms and Listservs
District of Columbia Local Government Links and Resources -
 Washburn University School of Law
Energy Office
Environmental Research Center (SERC)
Folkways Recordings
Ford's Theatre National Historic Site - Washington, DC
Fort Washington Park
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Governor's Website
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
International Monetary Fund
Internet Law Library Information on the District of Columbia
Law Librarians Society of Washington DC
Lincoln Memorial - Washington, DC
Martha: Last Passenger Pigeon - Washington, DC
Metropolitan Area Transit Commission
Metropolitan Police Department
Migratory Bird Center
Office of Intergovernmental Relations
National Air and Space Museum
National Building Museum
National Museum of African Art
National Museum of American Art/National Portrait Gallery
National Museum of American History
National Museum of American History - Behring Center
National Museum of Health and Medicine
National Museum of Natural History
National Museum of the American Indian
National Portrait Gallery
National Postal Museum
National Register of Historic Places
National Science Resources Center
National Zoological Park
Naval Historical Center
Rienzi, Sheridan's Horse - Pet Cemetery - Washington, DC
Smithsonian American Art Museum and its Renwick Gallery
Smithsonian Institution - Wash, DC
Smithsonian Institution Building - The Castle
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
The District of Columbia Bar
The Washington DC Regional Legal Directory
US District Court for the District of Columbia
Virginia Suburbs of DC by George Silva -
World's Largest Chair - Washington, DC
Washington, DC by Kate Bishop -


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Television Stations

WTTG - FOX - 5  
WDCA - UPN - 20 WRC - NBC - 4
WETA - PBS - 26 WUSA - CBS - 9 






Archives and Libraries

Archives of American Gardens
Approximately 60,000 photographic images
American History Museum Archives Center
American Institute of Architects
American University
Astrophysical Observatory Archives and Services
Brookings Institution
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Catholic University of America - Department of 
 Archives, Manuscripts, and Museum Collections
Catholic University of American Libraries
District of Columbia Public Library - Washingtoniana Division
Folger Shakespeare Library
Gallaudet University
George Washington University
Howard University
Human Studies Film Archives - Smithsonian
Juley Photographic Archive - American Art Museum
Library of Congress - American Folklife Center
Library of Congress - Manuscript Division
Library of Congress - Music Division
Library of Congress - Prints and Photographs
Library of Congress - Special Collections
Marine Corps University
National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council
National Archives and Records Administration - Homepage
National Defense University
National Geographic Society Library
Natural History Museum Databases
National Register of Historic Places
Naval Historical Center
Organization of American States, Columbus Memorial Library
Public Library
Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections
SIRIS Archives Catalogs - Smithsonian
Smithsonian Institution - Archives
Smithsonian Institution - National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution Libraries - Special Collections
Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
US Holocaust Museum - Archives
Washington College of Law



5 Airports Location
  Metropolitan Washington Airports Washington, DC
  National Airport Washington, DC
VKX Potomac Airfield Maryland
DCA Ronald Reagan 
Washington National Airport
Washington, DC
IAD Washington Dulles 
International Airport
Washington, DC




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