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Collector Information Center

Arts and Crafts

Beads, Candles, Ceramics, Folklore, Hand-made Items,
Soap and Candle, Stained Glass, Woodworking


Navigation - General Links - Webrings - Newsgroups


  • Navigation is accomplished by using the main menu on the left. Just click on the red help book next to the words Collector Information Center and the index will fold/unfold.


Arts and Crafts Websites

Alicia Tapp Designs - Images on Tiles - Photo Memorial Products
Arts & Crafts Archives
Baba's Beeswax - Ukranian Egg Decorating - Pysanky Supplies
Basketry -
Beadwork -
Candle and Soap -
Cartooning -
Ceramic Arts
Ceramic Arts -
Contemporary Art -
Costume Jewelry Collecting -
Crafter's Community
 Crafty Ideas and Projects and LOTS of Information
Crochet -
Decorative Arts -
Drawing/Sketching -
Family Crafts -
Folk and Fairy Tales from Around the World
Folk Art -
Folk Art Society of America
Folk Music -
Folklife Center, The American- Library of Congress
Folklore and Folk Art, Russian
Folklore and Legends, Urban 
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts - 100's of Stories
Folklore FAQ
Free Knitting Patterns -
Quilting -
Jack and Susies
 Arts and Crafts, Ideas, Needlework, Patterns, more
Jewelry Making -
Knitting -
Me Mes Originals - Rugs, Patterns, Kits, Fabric, Miscellaneous
Michaels - Art and Craft Supplies
Needlepoint -
Painting -
Quilting -
Ramya's Artland - Artwork
Sewing -
Weaving/Spinning -
Woodworking -
Woodworking FAQ
Woodworking FAQ - Another FAQ
Woodworking Plans -
  see also Sewing Collectible's and Accoutrements




a2z  Baskets Webring - 4 Sites
Baskets, Etc Webring - 7 Sites
New Century Basket Ring - 50 Sites




Bead Castle Webring - 32 Sites
Beaded Knitting Webring - 5 Sites
Beads in Fashion Webring - 69 Sites
Believe in Fairy Tales Webring - Fanatasy Scultptures - 19 Sites
Bitchen Biker Turkey Buzzard Beadin Babes Webring - 17 Sites
Carpe' Beadum Seize The Bead Webring - 5 Sites
Christmas In Your Heart Webring - 17 Sites
Euro Beaders Webring - 29 Sites
Faery Haven Polymer Clay Webring - 9 Sites
For the Love of Beads Webring - 11 Sites
Glasperlenzauber Ring - 21 Sites
Handcrafted Beadwork Webring - 36 Sites
PCH's Clay Hobbyist Webring - 7 Sites
Poly Ring - 134 Sites
Polymer Artist Webring - 44 Sites
Polymer Clay Art Work Webring - 13 Sites
Polymer Clay Miniatures Webring - 23 Sites
Seed Bead Art Webring - 32 Sites
The Bead/Jewelry Suppliers Ring - 15 Sites
The BeadThing Ring - 225 Sites
The Beader's Circle Webring - 11 Sites
The Beading Business Webring - 40 Sites
The Beading Ring - 24 Sites
The Official ICQ Beaders Webring - 25 Sites
Trade Yer Goods Webring - 65 Sites




Allans Best Candle Sites on the Internet Webring - 6 Sites
Allans Best Candlemaking Sites onthe Internet Ring - 15 Sites
All About Candles Webring - 32 Sites
Candle Essence Webring - 14 Sites
Candle Lovers Ring - 41 Sites
Candlepac Scented Candle Group Webring - 5 Sites
Candles, Incense and More Webring - 12 Sites
Candles: Wax N Suds Webring - 85 Sites
Crafters Surprise Webring - 4 Sites
Creators of Originality Webring - 8 Sites
Gel Candle Webring - 30 Sites
Gel Candle Paradise Webring - 9 Sites
Gifts of Love and Spirit Webring - 7 Sites
Hand-made Gel Candles Webring - 5 Sites
Handcrafted Gifts Webring - 18 Sites
Handmade Candles 4 Sale Webring - 7 Sites
Home-made Oils, Candles and Crafts Webring - 7 Sites
Homemade or Crafters Webring - 8 Sites
Mother Nature's Creations Webring - 5 Sites
National Crafters Webring - 23 Sites
1 Stop Place Candlemaking Supplies or Bees Wax Webring - 6 Sites
Online Candles & Candle Making Supplies Webring - 20 Sites
Scented Candles and More Webring - 6 Sites
Scentsations Soap, Candles, Toiletries, and Gifts Webring - 38 Sites
Soap, Candle and Scented Treasures Ring - 168 Sites
Texas Soapers and Primitive Lovers Webring - 7 Sites
The Nutty Crafters Webring - 7 Sites




Ceramic Arts Webring - 13 Sites
Ceramic Ocarina Whistles Webring - 5 Sites
Ceramics of the Webring - 113 Sites
De Nederlandse Keramiek Webring - 37 Sites
Romero Lerma - Casual Dinnerware, Cermic Pottery from Spain



Clay and Polymer

Faery Haven Polymer Clay Webring - 9 Sites
PCH's Clay Hobbyist Webring - 7 Sites
Poly Ring - 134 Sites
Polymer Artist Webring - 44 Sites
Polymer Clay Art Work Webring - 13 Sites
Polymer Clay Miniatures Webring - 23 Sites




A Stitch In Time Webring - 8 Sites
Addicted to Crochet Ring - 24 Sites
Bubble's Crochet Crazy Friends Webring - 8 Sites
Canucks Crochet Webring - 9 Sites
Crochet Addicts Webring - 10 Sites
Crochet Design Originals Webring - 33 Sites
Crochet Patterns for Free Webring - 48 Sites
Crochet School Ring - 11 Sites
Crochet With Love Ring - 19 Sites
Crochet Crafts Ring - 87 Sites
Crochet Lovers Webring - 55 Sites
Crochet Site Webring - 67 Sites
Crocheted Afghans Webring - 9 Sites
Crocheters Annonymous Webring - 89 Sites
Crocheting Ring - 24 Sites
Designers Unique Webring - 28 Sites
Free Crochet Patterns Webring - 7 Sites
Granny's House Webring - 4 Sites
Handmade Tradition Webring - 32 Sites
JuneBug's Crochet for Charity Ring - 11 Sites
MeMes Originals Rag Rug Crochet Ring - 6 Sites
Professional Crochet Designer Webring - 45 Sites
The Original Free Crochet Patterns Ring - 75 Sites
Up in Stitches Webring - 22 Sites



Arts and Crafts - General 

A Harvest House Primitive Webring - 5 Sites
Affordable Crafty Gifts Webring - 15 Sites
Aleene's Chatters Webring - 22 Sites
All Handmade Link Exchange Ring - 70 Sites
All Country Crafts Webring - 187 Sites
All Crafters who Create from Within and Give to Others a Small Piece of Themselves Webring - 84 Sites
Arricchire la Casa con Gusto Ring - 6 Sites
Art from Anything Webring - 14 Sites
Art Center Ring - 118 Sites
Arts and Country Crafts of the USA Webring - 150 Sites
Arts and Crafts Webring - 31 Sites
Bath & Body Basics Webring - 47 Sites
Beautiful Pysanky Webring Ukrainian Art - 7 Sites
Beehive Country Ring - 19 Sites
Betty's Crafts Ring - 12 Sites
Bruno's Craft Mall Ring - 18 Sites
Craft Connection Ring - 271 Sites
Creative Christian's Unite Webring - 29 Sites
Christian Country Ring - 8 Sites
Christmas Cooking & Crafts Webring - 76 Sites
Contemporary Home Decorations & Gifts Webring - 6 Sites
Cooking and Crafts Webring - 15 Sites
Country at Heart Webring - 39 Sites
Country Crafts Webring - 19 Sites
Country Store Ring - 7 Sites
Craft Club Webring - 62 Sites
Craft & Hobby Webring - 70 Sites
Craft Gallery Webring - 13 Sites
Craft Sites Webring - 14 Sites
Craft Webring - 46 Sites
Crafters Delight Ring - 70 Sites
Crafters Delight Webring - 73 Sites
Crafters Fun Webring - 17 Sites
Crafting For Charity Ring - 8 Sites
Crafts and Gifts Webring - 194 Sites
Crafts and Glass Webring - 5 Sites
Crafts Internet Storefronts - 6 Sites
Crafts Online Mall Webring - 18 Sites
Crafts of All Types Ring - 189 Sites
Crafts Ring - 7 Sites
Crazy 4 Craft Webring - 53 Sites
Creative Crafters Webring - 21 Sites
Dark Forest Primitives & Folk Art Webring - 5 Sites
Decorative Painting Webring - 12 Sites
Equine Art Crafts Gifts Webring - 62 Sites
Folk Art Lane Webring - 13 Sites
Free Craft Ring - 6 Sites
General Crafts Webring - 66 Sites
Gifts For All Occasions Webring - 40 Sites
Gifts and Presents Webring - 125 Sites
Gourd Artist Webring - 34 Sites
Handcrafted Arts & Crafts Webring - 28 Sites
Handcrafted Online Shopping Ring - 98 Sites
Handmade Crafts and Gifts Ring - 16 Sites
Handmade Arts and Crafts Webring - 6 Sites
Handspun Luxury Yarns Webring - 15 Sites
Heart of Texas Artists Ring - 7 Sites
Hearts and Crafts Webring - 106 Sites
Hilos, Madejas y Agujas Webring - 11 Sites
Hobby Foundry Webring - 9 Sites
Hobby-Craft Profits Webring - 90 Sites
Home Bazaar Ring - 30 Sites
Homestead Crafters Webring - 18 Sites
Hootin' Annie's Crows on the Line Webring - 22 Sites
iCustomize Webring - 18 Sites
International Crafts Online Webring - 22 Sites
iVillage Crafter's Mall Webring - 4 Sites
Karen's Creations Webring - 4 Sites
Kreative Krafters Webring - 8 Sites
Kynd Crafters Webring - 24 Sites
My Crafting Friends Webring - 5 Sites
Oklahoma Crafts and Crafters Webring - 12 Sites
One of A Kind Productions Ring - 44 Sites
Personalised Items, Gifts or Crafts Webring - 9 Sites
Phat Luv Folks Webring - 23 Sites
Primitive Blessings 'n Designs Webring - 5 Sites
Primitive Traders and Merchants Webring - 5 Sites
Professional Hand Crafters Webring - 23 Sites
Renee's Webring - 292 Sites
Ruby Blvd Craft Market Webring - 37 Sites
Southern Women of the Web Ring - 12 Sites
The Crafter's Mall Webring - 137 Sites
The Handicraft Webring - 150 Sites
The Natural Network Webring - 12 Sites
The Professional Crafter's Webring - 558 Sites
The Voracious Artisan Webring - 5 Sites
The Busy Hands Craft Group Webring - 18 Sites
UK Arts and Crafts Ring - 18 Sites
Unique Gift and Crafts Ring - 68 Sites
Uniquely Yours Crafts Webring - 87 Sites
Whitewolf's Wood and Crafts Webring - 6 Sites
Wood Projects Webring - 18 Sites
Your Gift Webring - 46 Sites




A Stitch In Time Webring - 8 Sites
Chaîne Point de Croix-en Français Webring - 67 Sites
Crafters' Pattern Box Webring - 4 Sites
Crafts Delights Webring - 4 Sites
Crocheted Afghans Webring - 9 Sites
Cross Stitch Gallery Ring - 23 Sites
Cross Stitch Obsession Ring - 44 Sites
Embroidery and Sewing Mania Webring - 7 Sites
Embroidery Ring - 66 Sites
Evenweave Fabricstabbers Webring - 73 Sites
Felters and Fibreartists Webring - 5 Sites
Fiberart Ring - 89 Sites
Free Cross Stitch Patterns Only Ring - 22 Sites
Handspinning Ring - 70 Sites
Handweavers Webring - 29 Sites
Incredible Sweater Machine Ring - 27 Sites
Kemik Kross-stitch & Krafts Ring - 29 Sites
Knitting Ring - 11 Sites
Knitting School Webring - 6 Sites
Machine Embroidery Ring - 5 Sites
Mohair and Angora Goat Webring - 37 Sites
Needlecrafter's Circle Ring - 12 Sites
Needlework Designers Webring - 24 Sites
Plastic Canvas Webring - 7 Sites
Punchneedle Embroidery Ring - 4 Sites Ring - 20 Sites
Shelley's Needlework Webring - 37 Sites
Stitch Witch Webring for Crafty Folk - 9 Sites
StitchySyl and Friends Webring - 6 Sites
Teagle's Cross Stitch Gallery Ring - 36 Sites
Terijean's Embroidery Webring - 7 Sites
Temari Webring - 5 Sites
The Crossing Stitches Webring - 127 Sites
The Sock Knitting Ring - 15 Sites
The Sock Knitting Webring - 4 Sites
The Tatted Lace Webring - 17 Sites
Traditional Samplers Webring - 6 Sites
2Angel Stitch Ring - 8 Sites
UK Cross Stitch Ring - 24 Sites
Warp & Weft Handwovens Webring - 11 Sites
X Stitch It Ring - 10 Sites








Digitizers Plus - Machine Embroideried Digitizers - 11 Sites
Handmade Patchwork Clothing Ring - 53 Sites
Primitive Gatherings Webring - 5 Sites
Quality Crafts Webring - 9 Sites
Ring of Stitches - 221 Sites
Sew Creative Webring - 5 Sites
Stop Smoking Ring - Quilting and Non-smoking - 91 Sites
The Cloth Doll Webring - 29 Sites
The Phamily Crafter's Webring - 66 Sites
The Sewing Wenches Webring - 6 Sites
The Smocking Ring - 6 Sites
Vintage Sewing Patterns Webring - 14 Sites



Soap and Candle

Allans Best Soapmaking Sites on the Internet Webring - 15 Sites
Bath Shop Ring - 10 Sites
Canadian Soaper's Webring - 23 Sites
Christian Soapmakers Webring - 41 Sites
East Coast Soap Makers and Suppliers - 9 Sites
Enchanted Soaps Webring - 13 Sites
Hand Made Bath and Body Webring - 8 Sites
Hand Made Soap Webring - 27 Sites
Hand Made Soaps and Toiletries Webring - 7 Sites
Handcrafted Herbal Soaps: All Natural Products Ring - 29 Sites
Handmade Soaps and Designs Ring - 9 Sites
Lights Fantastic Webring - 4 Sites
Natural Soap Makers Webring - 48 Sites
Rocky Mountain Homemade Bathsalts and Soaps Webring - 6 Sites
Scentsations Soap, Candles, Toiletries, and Gifts Ring - 38 Sites
Soap, Candle and Scented Treasures Webring - 168 Sites
Soap and Toiletries Ring - 167 Sites
Soaping Buds Webring - 6 Sites
Soapmaker's Webring - 234 Sites
Soapmaking Ingredient Suppliers Webring - 37 Sites
Texas Soapers and Primitive Grubbies Webring - 6 Sites
Texas Soapmakers Association Ring - 6 Sites
The Beauty & Soap Ring - 100 Sites
The Official Lye Soap Webring - 16 Sites
The Soaper Market Webring - 19 Sites



Stained Glass

Stained Glass Webring - 92 Sites
The Stained Glass Artists Webring - 62 Sites
Stitch Witch Webring for Crafty Folk - 9 Sites




Amazing Incense from Around the World Webring - 11 Sites
Angel Essence: Fragrance Makers Webring - 15 Sites
Aromatic Dreams Webring - 9 Sites
Chainmaille Webring - 6 Sites
Concrete Jungle: Garden Ornaments and Moulds Webring - 7 Sites
Custom Speaker Building Webring - 18 Sites
Custom Western Saddlemakers Webring - 4 Sites
Dollhouse Miniatures Webring - 7 Sites
Dolly Cottage Webring - 14 Sites
Greeting Card Creators Webring - 10 Sites
Hand Papermaking Webring - 5 Sites
Free Printables Webring - 11 Sites
Hobby Machinists Webring - Personal Metalworking - 17 Sites
Indonesian Furniture Reproductions Webring - 5 Sites
Mail Art Ring - 33 Sites
Medieval Plate Armour Ring - 5 Sites
Paper Quilling Webring - 9 Sites
Plans,Patterns & Kits Ring - 20 Sites
Painted Horses Ring - 67 Sites
Pressed Flowers Ring - 13 Sites
Ribbon Fair Webring - 12 Sites
SB Family Crafters Webring - Stitchin Bitches - 6 Sites
Stained Glass Webring - 92 Sites
Sweetladeesue's Jewelry Ring - 21 Sites
Teddybären-Webring für Deutschsprachige Seiten - 23 Sites
The Boomerang Webring - 28 Sites
The Golden Gourd Webring - 103 Sites
The Leathercrafter's Ring - 82 Sites
The Metalsmith's Ring - 8 Sites
The Stained Glass Artists Webring - 62 Sites
Unique Furniture Webring - 14 Sites
Viking Blacksmith's Webring - 4 Sites




Benchtop Woodworker Webring - 5 Sites
Country Kreations Webring - 26 Sites
Exotic Turned Wood Ring - 4 Sites
Fence Post Characters Webring - 8 Sites
Fish Decoys and Dark House Spearing Ring - 9 Sites
Holiday Friend's Woodcraft's Webring - 5 Sites
Holiday/Seasonal Woodcrafts Webring - 24 Sites
Intarsia Wood Workers Ring - 17 Sites
Kayak Building Webring - 25 Sites
Pen & Pencil Turning Ring - 4 Sites
Rustic Lifestyle Webring - 9 Sites
Rocking Horses Ring - 12 Sites
Segmented Wood Turners Webring - 4 Sites
SJA Woodesign Webring - 12 Sites
Steven, Brown's Pals All Crafters Webring - 5 Sites
The Wood Turners' Ring - 31 Sites
Things in Logs Webring - 5 Sites
Wood'n Toys Webring - 4 Sites
Woodcarving Webring - 6 Sites
Woodcrafters and Designers Webring - 4 Sites
Woodturning Information Ring - 24 Sites
Woodworkers United for America Members Webring - 11 Sites
Woodworkers Webring - 198 Sites
Woodworking Webring - 37 Sites
Wyoming Woodart by Haden Webring - 5 Sites
Yard Crafts Webring - 8 Sites
Woodturning Ring - 32 Sites




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