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The Worlds Fair and Exposition
Information and Reference Guide

1960 - Present




  • Worlds Fair's and Exposition's for the Years 1960 through the Present.


 118 - 61

1960  Milan, Italy
1960  Horticulture Exhibition - Rotterdam, 
1961  Travel Exhibition - Turin,  
1962  Century 21 Exposition - Seattle, Washington, USA
 Stan's Famous Page with 18 links to more Resources
1963  Horticulture Exhibition - Hamburg, Germany 
1964  Horticulture Exhibition - Vienna, 
1964  Milan, Italy 
1964-65  New York World's Fair - Flushing Meadows, New York, USA
 Stan's Famous Page with 66 links to more Resources 
1965  Transportation Exhibition - Munich, Germany 
1967  Expo '67 - Montreal Exposition
 - Stan's Famous Page with 42 links to more Resources
1968  Hemisphere - Stan's Famous Page - San Antonio, Texas, USA 
1968  Milan, Italy 
1969  Horticulture Exhibition - Paris, France 
1969  California Worlds Fair - Corona, California, USA - (Never Held)
1970  Expo '70 - Osaka World Exposition -  Osaka, Japan
 Stan's Famous Page with links to 26 more Resources
1971  La Chasse a travers le Monde - Budapest, 
1972  Horticultural Exposition - Amsterdam, The Netherlands-
1973  Horticulture Exposition - Hamburg, Germany  
1974  Horticulture Exposition - Vienna,
1974  Expo '74 - Spokane, WA 
 Stan's Famous Page with links to 8 more Resources
1975  La Mer et Son Avenir - Okinawa Horticulture Exhibition - 
Liverpool, England 
1982  Knoxville World's Fair - Knoxville, TN, USA
 Stan's Famous Page with 9 links to more Resources
1984  Louisiana World Exposition - New Orleans, LA, USA
Famous Page with 9 links to more Resources
1984-92 Columbus International Exposition
Genoa, Italy - by Renzo Piano
1985  Achievement of the Young Inventors - Plovdiv, Bulgaria 
1985  Pacific National Exposition - Vancouver, BC, Canada 
1985  Tsukuba Expo '85 - Expo '85 Opened - Tsukuba, Japan
1985  Tsukuba Expo '85 - I Love Expo '85 - Tsukuba, Japan
1985  Tsukuba Expo '85 - Japanese - Tsukuba, Japan
1985  Tsukuba Expo '85 - Tsukuba Expo Center - Tsukuba, Japan
1985  Tsukuba Expo '85 - TV War - Tsukuba, Japan
1985  Tsukuba Expo '85
 The Tools in Which to Dream - Tsukuba, Japan
1986  Vancouver Exposition - Vancouver, Canada
 Stan's page of Facts and Trivia with links to 26 more Resources
1988  Les Villes du Monde et l'Avenir de la Metropole - Milan, Italy 
1988  Brisbane World Exposition '88
Australia Bicentennial - Brisbane, Australia
1990  Horticulture Exhibition - Osaka, Japan 
1991  Youth Inventiveness for a Peaceful World - Plovdiv, Bulgaria 
1991  La vie entre les choses et la Nature - Ecology - Milan, Italy
1992  Horticulture Exhibition - La Haye-Zortermeer 
1992  Expo 92 - Seville Expo '92 Vision  - Seville, Spain
1992  Expo 92 - Seville, Spain
1992  Expo 92 - Spanish Site - Seville, Spain
1992  Expo 92 - Exhibits International - Seville, Spain
1993  Horticulture Exhibition - Stuttgart, Germany 
1993  Expo 93 - Taejon, Korea
1993  Expo 93 - Taejon, Korea
1996  Internet Worlds Fair - You have to see this to believe it
1998  Chejo World Festival for Island Cultures - Chejo
1998  Kyongju World Cultural
1998  World Exposition - Lisbon, Portugal 
1998  World Exposition - Lisbon, Portugal
1998  World Exposition - Lisbon, Portugal - Canadian Participation -
The Oceans: A Heritage for the Future
1998  World Exposition - Lisbon, Portugal 
1998  World Exposition - Lisbon, Portugal 
1998  World Exposition - Lisbon, Portugal - European Union Pavillion
1999  International Horticultural Exposition - Kunmig, China
1999  International Horticultural Exposition - Kunming, China
1999  International Horticultural Exposition - Kunmig, China - 
A Brief Introduction
2000  Hannover Exposition - Exposition 2000 - Hannover, Germany
2000  Hannover Exposition -
Chinese Contemporary Art - Hannover, Germany
2000  Hannover Exposition -
 Exposition 2000 - Hannover, Germany - Mainpage
2000  Hannover Exposition -  Exposition 2000 - Hannover, Germany
2000  Hannover Exposition -  Hannover, Germany
2000  Hannover Exposition - Hannover, Germany
2000  Hannover Exposition - Some Photographs - Hannover, Germany
2000  Hannover Exposition
 Exposition 2000 - Portugal - Hannover, Germany
2000  Millennium Exposition - Homepage - London, England
2000  Millennium Exposition -
 Toward the Holomorph - London, England
2000  Millennium Exposition
 London Eye - The Ferris Wheel - London, England
2000  Millennium Exposition
Lookout for 2000, The Millennium Links - London, England
2000  Idaho Potato Expo - Blackfoot, Idaho
2000  International Art Exposition 2000 - TBA - San Francisco, CA
2001  China - Fairs and Exhibitions - One Large List - Beijing, China
2001  Swiss National Exhibition - Expo 2001 - Biel-Bienne, 
Murten-Morat, Neuchâtel and Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
2001 World Ceramic Exposition - Korea
2002  Expo 2002 - Switzerland 
2002  Philippines Exposition Internationale sur l'Écotourisme - Manila - Projet accepté, annulé en 1999
2002  Horticulture Exhibition - Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands 
2003  Horticulture Exhibition - Rostock, Germany 
2003  Aviation Worlds Fair - Newport News-Williamsburg, Virginia 
2003  Aviation World's Fair
Newport News-Williamsburg, Virginia - Press Release for Sale
2003  Aviation World's Fair - Press Release - Event Cancelled
2003 IGA 2003 - International Garden Expo - Rostock, Germany
2004  International Exhibition - Seine-Saint-Denise, France 
2005  Expo 2005 - Rediscovering Nature's Wisdom - Aichi, Japan
2005  World Exposition - Expo 2005 - Aichi, Japan
2005  World Exposition - Expo 2005 - Aichi, Japan - English Index
2005  World Exposition - Expo 2005 - Aichi, Japan  - Japanese Version
2008  Trieste, Thessaloniki, Zaragoza
2010  Theme: Resources, Technology, Ideas - 
 Way to a United World - Moscow, Russia
2010  Theme: People First - Querétaro, Mexico
2010  Theme: Better City, Better Life- Shanghai, China
2010  Theme: Culture - Science -Media - Wroclaw, Poland
2010  Expo 2010 - Sea and Land for a New Community - Yeosu, Korea



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