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The World's Fair and Exposition
Information and Reference Guide

1930 - 1959




  • Worlds Fair's and Exposition's for the Years 1930 through 1959.


 61 - 29
1929  Radio Exposition - The Boston Garden
1929-30  Exposicion Ibero-Americana - Barcelona Pavillion 
1930  Exposición international de Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain 
1930  Exhibition Internationale Industrielle de Liège - Liège, Belgium
1930  Exposition Internationale Maritime et Coloniale d'Anvers - 
Antwerp, Belgium
1930  Tröndelag Exhibition - Trondheim, Norway
1930  Utställningen - Stockholm International - Stockholm, Sweden
1931  Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris -
 Empire of the Republic by Arthur Chandler
1931  International Foundry Exposition and Congress - Milan, Italy
1931 Yorktowne Sesqui-centennial - Yorktowne, Virginia
1931 Paris Exposition Coloniale Internationale
Paris Colonial Exposition - Paris, France - 26 Photos
1931 Paris Exposition Coloniale Internationale
Paris Colonial Exposition - Paris, France - 26 Photos
1933  Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes et Architecture Moderne -  Milan, Italy
1933  Ceramic Exposition 
1933-34  Century of Progress  - Chicago, Illinois, USA
 Stan's Famous Page with 43 more Resources
1934  Exposição Colonial Portuguesa - Oporto, Portugal
1934  Levant Fair - Tel Aviv, Israel
1935  Exposição do Centenario Farroupilha - Porto Alegre, Brazil
1935  Exposition Universelle et Internationale - Brussels, Belgium
1935-36  California-Pacific International Exposition -
 Stan's Famous Page with Resources - San Diego, California, USA
1936  Aviation Exhibition  -  Stockholm, Sweden
1936  Milan, Italy
1936  Texas Centennial Exposition -
 Stan's Famous Page - Dallas, Texas, USA
1936-37  Empire Exhibition - Johannesburg , South Africa
1936-37  Fort Worth Centennial - Fort Worth, Texas, USA
1936-37  Great Lakes Exposition
 Stan's Famous Page - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1937  Ausstellung - Berlin, Germany
1937  Exposition Universelle de Paris
Arts and Techniques Exposition - Paris, France
1937  Golden Gate Exposition - San Francisco, California, USA
1937  Greater Texas and Pan-American Exhibition -
 Stan's Famous Page - Dallas, Texas
1937  Pan-American Fair - Miami, Florida, USA
1937  Reichsausstellung Schaffendes Volk - Düsseldorf, Germany
1938  British Empire Exhibition - Glasgow, Scotland
1938  British Empire Exhibition - BBC History - Glasgow, Scotland
1938  British Empire Exhibition - Empire Exhibition in Color
1938  British Empire Exhibition - The Boy Who Built the Tower
1938  British Empire Exhibition - Glasgow, Scotland
1938  London Exhibit - London, England
1938  Aviation Exhibition - Helsinki, Finland 
1939  All-Union Agricultural Exhibition - Moscow, Russia
1939  Deutsche Kolonial Ausstellung - Dresden, Germany
1939  Exposition Internationale - Liège, Belgium
1939  Schweizerische Landesausstellung - Zurich, Switzerland
1939  World's Poultry Congress Exposition - Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1939-40  Golden Gate Exposition - Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA
 - Stan's Famous Page with links to 44 more Resources
1939-40  New York Worlds Fair - Flushing Meadows, New York, USA - Stan's Famous Page with links to 109 more resources
1939-40  New Zealand Centennial Exposition - 
Wellington, New Zealand
1940  Exposição do Mundo Português - Lisbon, Portugal
1940  Pacific Mercado - 
Los Angeles, California, USA   (NEVER HELD)
1940  Grand International Exposition of Japan - 
Tokyo,   Japan   (NEVER HELD)
1940  Milan, Italy 
1942  Exposition - Cabrillo Fair - 
Los Angeles, California, USA   (NEVER HELD)
1942  Esposizione Universale - Rome, Italy  (NEVER HELD) -
The Official Book For Sale - A Few Survived
1947  Milan, Italy 
1947  Urbanisme et Habitation - Paris, France 
1948  Foire Coloniale - Brussels, Belgium
1949  Sports Exhibition - Stockholm, Sweden 
1949  Habitat Rural - Lyon, France 
1949-50  Exposition Internationale - Porte-au-Prince, Haiti
1951  Milan, Italy 
1951  Textile Exhibition - Lille,
1951  Festival of Britain - London, England
1951  Festival of Britain
 Derek and Susie's Webpage - London, England
1951  Festival of Britain - Festival of Britain Recalled - London, England
1951  Festival of Britain - Great British Exhibitions - London, England
1951  Festival of Britain - Museum of London - London, England
1951  Festival of Britain - Festival of Britain and in Birmingham 
 and the English MidlandsLondon, England
1953  Conquete de Desert - Jerusalem 
1953  Agriculture Exhibition - Rome, Italy
1954  Navigation Exhibition - Naples, Italy 
1954  Milan, Italy 
1955  Sports Exhibition - Turin,  
1955  Arts appliqués: "Le Milieu de l'Homme Moderne"- 
Helsinborg, Sweden
1957  Milan, Italy 
1957  Batiment - Berlin, Germany
1958  Brussels International Exposition - Brussels, Belgium
1958  Brussels International Exposition - Brussels, Belgium
1958  Brussels International Exposition
Brussels, Belgium - Philips Pavilion 




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