256 facts and trivia
nuggets plus 56 links to external resources.
The 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition is now available on CD. The most comprehensive resource published in over 75
years. 6,000+ facts and
statistics, 275 images, 31 timeline facts and 1,227 weblinks
(74 World's Fair specific).
$23.99 each plus shipping (US orders).
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found here.
The World's Fair and Exposition Information and
Reference Guide is now on CD.
11,216 facts and 1,362 web links covering 24 World's Fairs and Expositions.
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following categories are on CD |
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more Statistics
(19) |
of Congresses (6) |
more Facts
and Trivia (37) |
Olympics (23) |
State Building (11) |
Gold Dollar (21) |
of Agriculture (19) |
Stamps (10) |
Buildings and Exhibits (38) |
(The Pike) (36) |
Buildings and Exhibits (31) |
Prices for Items in 1904 (29) |
Building (7) |
Bonus: 1904 Timeline (28) |
Title: Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Theme: 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Louisiana Purchase.
Location: Forest Park, Missouri.
Exposition President: David Rowland Francis.
Category: Universal Exhibition.
Dates: April 30th - December 1st, 1904 (215 days).
Hours: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM.
Area: 1,272 acres (515 hectares).
Size: 9,500 feet long, 6,000 feet wide (approximately 2 square miles).
Original Subscription: $15,000,000
($5,000,000 US Government; $5,000,000 St Louis, $5,000,000 General Subscription).
Total Cost: $40,000,000 - 50,000,000.
($784,000,000 - $980,000,000 today).
The BIE states $31,500,000 for a total cost.
Revenue: $10,000 (as of September 17th, 1904).
Amount is larger, I just haven't found the exact number.
Daily Admission: 50¢ for adults, 25¢ for
Attendance: 18,317,457 (BIE states 19,694,855).
Average Daily Attendance: 85,197.
Opening Day: 200,000 visitors.
Best Month: September (3,651,873).
Time it Takes to See Everything: 17 - 18 days.
Buildings: 1,576.
Fair Transportation: automobile, camel, electric automobiles, electric launches, elephant, gondolas, turtle, wheel chair.
Walks and Roadways: 75 miles.
Churches: 7 (all replicas of famous churches).
Ice Plant: 300 tons of ice per day.
Security: Jefferson Guards.
Landscape Architect: George E Kessler.
Trees, shrubs, vines:
Classifications: 12.
Participating States and Territories (48-51): Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia,
Wisconsin, Wyoming - Philippines, Indian Territory.
Participating Nations (60-62): Afghanistan, Argentine Republic, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, China, Constantinople, Cuba, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lapland, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Patagonia, Persia, Polynesia, Portugal, Russia, Siberia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Tibet.
(I only found references to 38 countries)
and Trivia
July 2, 1901 - Louisiana Purchase Building is dedicated at the Pan-American Exposition.
April 30, 1903 - President Roosevelt dedicates the Exposition in the Palace of Liberal Arts.
The actual date of the 100th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase treaty is April 30, 1903.
Exposition Grounds were not completed in time for the 1903 date. Opening is postponed one year.
April 30th 1904, President Roosevelt opened the fair from Washington using the same telegraph key that President Cleveland used to open the Columbian Exposition in 1893.
President William McKinley authorized the St Louis Exposition. He was
assassinated at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.
The Exposition President (David R Francis) was also the Mayor of St Louis (1885) and Governor of Missouri (1888).
The initial subscription allocated for the Exposition was the same price paid for The
Louisiana Purchase Territory.
The Louisiana Purchase Territory encompassed 1/3 of the United States. It contained the States: Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas,
Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, parts of South Dakota and Wyoming.
Unlike previous US World's Fairs and Exposition's, duty taxes were collected on exhibits. Nearly $500,000 was
June 8th, the Liberty Bell arrives. It leaves on November 16th.
The eight main Palaces contained 142 miles of aisle ways.
General Ulysses S Grant's log cabin was on display. He built the cabin 10 years prior to the US Civil War when he was a farmer in St Louis County.
Indians from 51 tribes also participated in "Wild West, Indian Congress and Rough Riders of the World" exhibit.
71 year old Apache War Chief, Geronimo was scheduled to be part of the Indian Congress. But reconsidered before opening day.
$150,000 in prizes were awarded in airship contests with a $100,000 First Prize for the fastest and "most accurately steered".
Competing: aeroplanes, air-ships, balloons, gliding machines and kites.
Visitors were encouraged to walk on the grass.
The stadium was the first concrete stadium in the United States.
No tripod cameras or cameras larger than 4 by 5 inches were allowed.
The Lincoln Museum contained Abraham Lincoln's birth cabin.
St Louis was founded and named by French Army Captain Pierre Laclede in 1764.
October 7th was Anti-cigarette day.
The Grand Basin was 300 feet wide and 1,200 feet long.
The Lagoons were connected on the east and west side of the Grand Basin and were a mile and a half long.
In October 1904, 30 people were killed in a train wreck while enroute to the World's Fair.
The US road system was so bad at this time, that losses amounted to $400,000 a year. Ironically, advances in road construction technology and equipment was not on display.
The Philippine Islands exhibit cost $1,000,000.
1,100 Filipinos were part of the Philippine Village.
Featured: Igorrote head-hunters, Visayans, Negritos, Moros, Bogobos, and Tree-dwellers
The Village covered 47 acres, 8 acres being forest.
The US took over possession of the Philippines after the Spanish American War in 1898.
Bridges throughout the Exposition were named after heroes of the Louisiana Purchase.
The Exposition was closed on Sunday's.
A statue of President Theodore Roosevelt was sculpted in butter, and a bear was made entirely of prunes.
Welch's Grape Juice Company had their own building and stands throughout the Fair grounds. In 1904, they produced 250,000 gallons of Grape Juice.
Household appliances included: chocolate making equipment, copper boilers, electric elevators for the house, an English brush cleaning machine for knives, heaters, knife sharpeners, radiators, steam and electric heaters, sugar boiling machines.
The Jell-O booth sold their latest product, Jell-O
Ice Cream Powder.
Many types of battleships were on display, but no submarines.
The buildings were closed at night but the grounds were open.
An awards scandal broke after the Exposition. Rumors
circulated that at least one individual sold awards on commission. Including numerous awards to the National Cash Register Company for as much as $20,000. It was determined that no wrong-doing had occurred.
The Chicago Wrecking Company was the low bidder ($450,000)
for dismantling the fair. The property alone was reportedly worth
Cost to Watch the Demolition: 25 cents.
Iced Tea become popular ... by accident. The summer days were so hot that vendors at the Far East Tea House couldn't sell their product. Until they poured it over ice cubes.
Arnold Fornachou ran out of containers for his ice cream. The man in the next booth was selling Belgian Waffles. Arnold contracted Ernest Hamwi to make containers from waffles. The Ice Cream Cone was invented.
Actually, the first ice cream cone was produced in 1896 by Italo Marchiony. He received a patent in December 1903.
Also making a debut: T-shirts, air conditioning, automatic player piano, automatic egg boiler, bread making machine, dish washers, charcoal/electric/gas/coal stoves, coffee urns, nickel-plated griddles, turning waffle irons.
After the
The bird cage from the federal government exhibit was purchased in 1905 by the city for $3,500.
The Palace of Fine Arts became the Art Museum.
The Administration Building became Brookings Hall
(Washington University).
Today, archaeologists are digging through the landfills looking for relics of the past.
In particular, the 70 ton axle of the Observation Wheel.
Hall, Central Cascades, Colonnades of the States
Festival Hall
Architect: Cass Gilbert.
Area: 406,000 square feet.
Size: 400 feet long, 52 feet high.
Auditorium: 3,500 seats.
The Dome was taller than the St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
The First International Peace Conference ever held
was in Festival Hall.
Housed the largest Pipe Organ in the World with 10,159 pipes. After the Exposition, it was dismantled and shipped in 13 railroad cars to Wanamaker's Department Store in Philadelphia.
Central Cascades
Cost: $1,000,000.
Statues: $50,000.
Water Pumps (3): 45,000 gallons of water a minute; 165,000 gallon capacity.
Every minute, 90,000 gallons of water flow over the Cascades.
Upper Tier of the Cascades: 45 feet wide.
Lower Tier of the Cascades: 160 feet wide.
Bottom of the Grand Basin to the top of the Dome on Festival Hall: 275 feet.
The Fountain of Liberty statue, at the top of the Cascades, was designed by HA
The water divided into three streams as it flowed from the Fountain of Liberty Statue.
Along the length were numerous statues of "liberty" in various forms.
Colonnades of the
Size: 200 feet in diameter, 200 feet high.
Restaurant Pavilions (2): `130 feet in diameter, 140 feet high.
Between the pilasters of the Colonnades of the States were sculptures of a seated woman, representing the 14 States that were born from the Louisiana Purchase.
The Restaurants were located at the east and west ends of the Colonnades of the States.
of Art
Location: Southwest of Festival Hall.
Cost: $1,000,000.
Size: 348 feet by 166 feet.
Side Pavilions: 422 feet long with more than 50 galleries each.
Buildings: 4.
Main Galleries: 22.
Total Rooms: 135.
Italy offered 4000 pictures, but was limited to 400.
The central building was constructed of limestone and was a permanent structure.
of Education and Social Economy
Location: East Side of the Great Basin.
Area: 8 acres.
Cost: $400,000.
Categories (4): Primary, Secondary, Higher and Special Education
Five large US cities had displays.
Several bridges provided walkways over the surrounding Lagoons.
Exhibits covered educational topics covering everything from kindergarten to college and technical schooling. Also included was the new science of "social economy".
Among the Participating Foreign Nations: Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy.
of Electricity
Location: West side of the Grand Basin.
Area: 8 acres.
Cost: $400,000.
Towers: 100 feet tall.
Most expensive of the temporary structures.
You could see "fast food" cooked with electricity.
New lighting included: Bremer Arc, the Nerst and Mercury Vapor Lamps.
Bell's Radiophone was exhibited.
A mechanical telegrapher that could send 1,000 words per minute over 1,000 miles of wire.
The price for sending 10 words for 20 miles by telegraph in the
US was 25 cents.
For some reason, the dictograph was not displayed.
Exhibits: air-brakes, automatic telephony, dynamos, electric heat, electric locomotives, electro-chemistry, gate-valves, generators, high tension lines, mercury rectifier, motors, x-ray instruments, lighting, oil-switch, storage batteries,
tele-autograph, trackless trolley's, wireless telegraphy.
of Fine Arts
Location: Art Hill, South of the Terrace of States.
Architect: Cass Gilbert.
Supervisor: Professor Halsey C Ives.
Sculpture Pavilion Architect: EL Masqueray.
Cost: $10,000,000.
Pavilions: 4.
Fireproof: Yes.
Decorated with sculpture including: "Painting" by Louis Saint-Gaudens, "Sculpture" by Daniel C French, and "Truth," by Charles Grafly.
Foreign Artists included: Adolph von Wenzel, Alfred Sisley, Anton von Werner, Arthur Kampf, Bastert, Begas, Bernard Hoppe, Briton Riviere, Carlo Ferrari, Chatering, Claude Monet, Defregger, Forti, Frans A Langeveld, Franz von Lenbach, Fritz August Kaulbach, Fritz Heinemann, Georg Luehring, Guillaume Seignac, Gysis, Hans von Bartels, Hashimoto Gaho, Hendrik W Mesdag, Hoesel, Hubert Vos, JE Millais, Jose Escudero y Esperonceda, Josef Israels, K Nahagara, Kato Tomotaro, Keller, L'hermitte, Louis WV Soest, Lord Leighton, Lucien Pissarro, Lucius Simon, M Kobajashi, M Schwarze, Manjiro Takito, Mastenbrook, Maxime Manfra, Menzel, Miyagawa Kozan, Peter Brewer, Peter Janssen, Ruggero Forcardi, Scheuernburg, Schillot, Shirataki, Sir Edward Burns-Jones, Wilen Maris, Witsent, WQ Orchardson.
American Artists included: AH Wyant, Cecelia Beaux, Charles Melville Dewey, Charles H Niehaus, Charles Sprague Pearce, DW Tyron, Eastman Johnson, Frederick Church, Gari Melchers, George Grey Barnard, George H Bogart, George Inness, Homer Martin, Horatio Walker, Irving R Wiles, J Carroll Beckwith, J Francis Murphy, J McNeil Whistler, JH Twachtman, John S Sargent, John W Alexander, Jules Stewart, Kenyon Cox, Paul W. Bartlett, R Swayne Gifford, RP Bringhurst, Saint-Gaudens, Solon H Borglum, TW Dewing, Walter McEwan, William Chase, William Low, Wilton Lockwood, Winslow Homer.
Unusual Scupltors: a 50 foot statue of Vulcan made of coal and iron, The Spirit of Utah modeled in beeswax, a Couer d'Alene miner cast from copper, a statue of John Stewart made with butter, King Cotton made with Mississippi cotton, the figure of Mephistopheles created in sulphur, Lot's Wife carved from rock salt, an elephant built with almonds, Missouri's Monster Corn Man made with corn, and a 9 foot Indian made with cereal.
The main building was the only permanent structure
Is now The Saint Louis Art Museum.
of Forestry, Fish and Game
of Horticulture
Location: South of the Agriculture Building.
Main Section: 400 feet square.
East Wing: 200 feet square.
West Wing: 200 feet square.
30 carloads of Apples were on display.
Exhibits: bee culture, flowers, fruit, horticulture implements, tropical plants.
of Liberal Arts
Location: Eastern area of the Park near the US Government Building.
Covered Area: 9 acres.
Cost: $475,000.
Doorway: 90 feet tall.
One exhibit achieved a temperature of minus 259º Fahrenheit.
President Roosevelt officially dedicated the Exposition from this building on April 30, 1903. The 100th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty.
Exhibits included: An engraving plant, antique and rare books, the British Mint's coin collection, Chinese armor and weapons, graphic arts, maps, models of famous lighthouses, musical instruments, printing machinery, scientific
instruments, typography.
Foreign Exhibits from: Argentine Republic, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Siam.
of Machinery
Location: West of the Palace of Electricity, south of the Palace of Transportation.
Supervisor: Thomas Edison.
Area: 10 acres (1,000 feet long).
Architecture: German.
Central Towers (2): 265 feet tall.
Power Plant: 45,000 horsepower.
Coal Consumption: 500 tons daily.
Curtis Steam Engine: 8,000 - 12,000 horsepower.
Allis-Chamber Refrigerating Engine: 5,000 horsepower (55 feet tall).
Westinghouse Generators (4): 3,000 horsepower.
Contained to Power Plant for the Exposition.
The German Company A Borsig introduced a 1,750 horsepower engine that used only 1,550 pounds of coal an hour. That's 30% less fuel than American machines used for the same horsepower.
The Deutz Works in Cologne demonstrated a gasoline engine rated at 6,000 horsepower.
Steam Turbines ranging from 600 to 3,000 horsepower were on display.
Turbine engines up to 3,000 horsepower were shown along with construction plans for 8,000 horsepower engines.
Sheet metal, link belts and the gasoline engine were the highlights.
For the cooking women in the house: copper boilers, coke-fuel ovens, sugar boiling machinery and chocolate making equipment.
of Manufacturers
Location: North of the Palace of Education, west of the Palace of Liberal Arts.
Area: 14 acres.
Size: 525 feet wide, 1,200 feet long.
Cost: $720,000.
Over 900 industries were represented.
Contained displays from France, Germany, Japan.
Exhibits included: fabrics, glass, hats, heating apparatus, lighting, plumbing equipment, shoes,
of Mines and Metallurgy
Covered Area: 9 acres.
Size: 525 feet by 750 feet.
Cost: $500,000.
Exhibits: clay, engineering, gems, metals, radium, topographical map of
Niagara Falls.
of Transportation
Location: West of the Palace of Varied Industries, North of the Palace of Machinery.
Area: 16 acres.
Size: 525 feet by 1,300 feet.
Housed 4 miles of railroad track with a 70 foot turntable.
The automobiles were driven to the fair.
The refrigerated rail cars were the only wooden freight cars exhibited.
Exhibits featured: 140 automobiles, electric street-cars, entire locomotives, freight carrying automobile trucks, freight cars that can handle 100,000 pounds, motor boats, railway equipment, trolleys, water carriages (boats).
Varied Industries
Covered Area: 14 acres.
Size: 525 feet wide, 1,200 feet long.
Lumber Used in Construction: 7,000,000 board feet.
Groups of Exhibits: 34.
Exhibitors included: American Can, American Soda Fountain, Ames Shovel & Tool, BF Goodrich, Century Furniture, Collins Electric Clock, Cupples Envelope, Detroit Stove Works, Esterbrook Pens, Excelsior Stove, Ford Brothers, General Electric, Gillette, Kabo Corset, Libbey Glass, Majestic, McCall, National Sweeper, Oneida Community, Parker Brothers, Parker Pens, Quincy Stove, Regal Shoes, Rookwood Pottery, Scott Paper, Singer, Stickley Brothers, Union Bag and Paper, United States Playing Cards, Wagner, Waterman, Whitehead & Hoag, Winchester Repeating Arms.
Exhibits: art glass, firearms, furniture, household items, jewelry, pottery, sewing machines, tools, watches, writing instruments.
Foreign Exhibitors: Germany, Japan.
Government Building
Size: 800 feet long, 250 feet wide.
Cost: $1,650,000.
9 out of 10 people stated that the US Government Exhibit
impressed them the most.
The building housed half of a battleship, complete with armament and equipment.
Outside the building were operational sea-coast defense guns.
A relief-map of the new Panama Canal was on display.
From 1777 to 1788 the Post Office recorded 365 dead letters. From 1877 to 1888, 2,660,324 dead letters were recorded.
The Geological Survey has made topographical maps of three-fifths of the country.
The Fish Commissions exhibits featured 35 large display tanks filled with aquatic wildlife.
About 100,000 medals were coined in the US Government Building.
Inside was a gigantic walk-in bird cage, in which housed every specie of bird in the United States.
Exhibits: A plan of the new ship-channel in New York Harbor, astrophysical laboratory, biograph exhibit, bolometer, dinosaurs, fossils, galvanometer, insects, lighthouses, military armament, minerals, naval models, photographic plates, rare birds and fishes, skeleton of a whale, stuffed birds, topographical maps, US currency being minted.
Exhibitors: Army, Fish Commission, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bureau of Soils, Geological Survey, national Museum, Navy, Post Office, Smithsonian Institute, War Department, Weather Bureau.
Observation Wheel
Designer: George Ferris.
Total Capacity: 2,160 people.
Cars: 36.
Car Capacity: 60
Height: 265 feet.
Axle: 45 feet long, 70 tons.
Capacity: 2,160 passengers.
Fare: 50 cents.
Revolutions: 1 every 15 minutes.
Tickets Sold: 3,000,000.
The Observation Wheel was called the Ferris Wheel at the 1893 Columbian Exposition.
The wheel was hauled from Chicago to St Louis in 175 flatbed railcars.
Each car was the size of a bus.
Every car contained a guide.
Contained 4,200 tons of metal.
The nuts alone weighed 4 pounds each.
In 1906, the Wheel was destroyed with 100 pounds of dynamite and sold for scrap.
Remnants are believed to have been buried in one of three landfills.
During WWII a search was organized to locate the
70 ton axle for scrap. It was never found.
Cost: $4,000,000 - $5,000,000 (estimates).
Performers: 6,000.
Animals: 1,500.
Shows: 50.
For less than $20 you could see all the exhibits.
The Pike (Midway) was a mile long and the expression "Coming Down the Pike"
becomes popular.
Exhibits: Ancient Rome, Battle Abbey, Bazaars of Stamboul, Beautiful Jim Key, Boer War, Chinese Village, Cliff Dwellers, Creation, Deep Sea Divers,
Esquimau Village, Galveston Flood, Glass Weavers, Hagenbeck's Trained Animal Show, Halls Fire Fighting Exhibition, Hereafter, Hunting in the Ozarks, Infant Incubator, Irish Village, Japanese Tea House, Jerusalem, Magic Whirlpool, Moving Pictures, Mysterious Asia, Naval Battle of Santiago, New York to the North Pole, Lapland, Observation Wheel, Old
Plantation, Old St Louis, Palais Du Costume, Paris, Statisticum, Streets of Cairo , Streets of Seville, Temple of Mirth, Tyrolean Alps, the Siberian Railway, Under and Over the Sea, Water Chutes, Wild West and Indian Congress.
The East Entrance contained the statue "Cowboys Shooting Up A Western Town" by Fredrick Remington.
The Magic Whirlpool had a circular waterfall sixty feet in diameter and forty feet high.
Hagenbeck's Animal Show included elephants that slide down a ramp into a pool of water (quality turn of the century entertainment).
Nine Eskimo families, 26 dogs and "Mac, the wise bear"
inhabited the Eskimo village.
Daily snowstorm's occurred in the ice-skating rink.
A Trip to Siberia used real Pullman coaches.
The Scenic Railway was 3 miles long.
The Naval Battle of Santiago featured three 21 foot battleships: the Indiana, Iowa and Massachusetts.
The Moki snake dance was performed daily in The Cliff Dwellers.
The Boer War was fought twice daily.
In "Creation" you rode through 60 centuries on a boat in a 1000 foot long canal.
The exhibit cost $750,000.
The Tyrolean Alps exhibit covered ten acres, cost
$750,000 and came with it's own castle. Inside the mountain was a cyclorama where you could ride a tram car past scenery painted by Professor Josef
The Walled City of Jerusalem covered 11 acres and contained 22 streets.
Tyrolean Alps and Creation exhibits each.
Adolphus Busch purchased the Tyrolean Alps exhibit to convert into a summer theater and beer garden.
Plans were made to make The Pike permanent after the Exposition. But effective petitioning on behalf of Washington University cancelled the plans.
Resources, Sources
Films From The
Library of Congress
Resources, Sources - Books
"A World on Display 1904: Photographs from the St. Louis
World's Fair" by Eric Breitbar.
"From the Palaces to the Pike, Visions of the
1904 World's Fair" by Timothy J Fox and Duane R Sneddeker.
"Glimpses of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
and City of St. Louis" by William H. Lee. Laird & Lee, 1904.
"Grandeur of the Universal Exposition at St.
Louis". Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, 1904.
"Greatest of Expositions: the 1904 Saint Louis
World's Fair". 1975 Reproduction. Riverside Press.
"Indescribably Grand Diaries and Letters from the
1904 Worlds Fair" by Martha R Clevenger.
"1904 St. Louis World's Fair Mementos and
Memorabilia" by Robert L. Hendershott.
"Official World's Fair Guide Book". WB Conkley
Company, Chicago and Hammond, Indiana.
"Remembering The St Louis World's Fair" by
Margaret Johanson Whitherspoon.
"The Forest City". Walter Barlow Stevens.
Official Photographic Views. ND Thompson Publishing Company (1903-04).
"St. Louis World's Fair, 1904". W & LE Gurley,
Troy, N.Y. The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, 1904.
"Souvenir Book of the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, Day and Night Scenes". Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, 1904.
"Souvenir Igorot Village". Philippine Photograph
Company, 1904.
"The Official Catalogue of Exhibitors, Louisiana
Purchase Exposition Company, 1904".
"The Story of a Great City in a Nutshell" by HB Wandell. 5th
edition, 1901.
"The Universal Exposition Beautifully Illustrated". Official
Publication. Official Photographic Company, St Louis, 1904.
"The World's Fair in Colortypes and Monotones". Louisiana
Purchase Exposition Company, 1904.
Colortype images are from the Souvenir Book "The World's Fair
in Colortypes and Monotones". Artist Edition. Official Publication.
Germania Publishing Company. 1901.
Photographic images are from my personal collection.