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The Worlds Fair and Exposition
Information and Reference Guide

1756 - 1879




  • Worlds Fair's and Exposition's for the Years 1756 through 1879.


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1756-1757 - The First "True" Exhibitions 
Sponsored by the Society of Arts in England
1798  - First Official Exposition. Champ de Mars (Military Exercise
 Grounds). First displayed Italian spoils of war. Six weeks later, the
 Temple of Industry was created to display French wares with prizes
1801 - Second Exhibition of French Industrial Products. Quadrangle
 of Louvre in a temporary building. 200 exhibitors. Prizes awarded:
 10 gold, 20 silver and 30 bronze medals. Jacquards Loom which
 was displayed at the Crystal Palace won a medal at this Exposition. 
1802 - Third Exhibition of French Industrial Products.
 Inaugurated by Napoleon. 600 exhibitors.Paris, France
1806 - Fourth Exhibition of French Industrial Products. In a building
 erected in front of the Hospital des Invalides. 1400 exhibitors. 24 days.
1819 - Fifth Exhibition of French Industrial Products.
 1700 exhibitors. 35 days.
1823 - Sixth Exhibition of French Industrial Products.
 Same location. 50 days.
1827 - Bazaar. England
1827 - Seventh Exhibition of French Industrial Products.
 Building erected, Place de la Concorde.
1829  American Institute Fair - 
Considered the First "True" US Exhibition - New York, NY,  USA
1834 - Eighth Exhibition of French Industrial Products.
1839 - Ninth Exhibition of French Industrial Products. 4381 exhibitors.
1844 - Tenth Exhibition of French Industrial Products. 3960 exhibitors.
1845 - Free Trade Bazaar. Covent Garden, England.
1847 - Exhibition of British Manufacturers. 
1849 - Eleventh Exhibition of French Industrial Products.
 Champs Elysées. 4494 exhibitors.
1849  First Exhibition of British Manufacturers. Birmingham, England.
 10,00 square feet building with an 800 foot corridor connecting it with
 the Bingley House. Total area: 12,800 square feet. Cost: 1300 pounds.
1849  Exposition of British Society. Somerset House.
1851 London Crystal Palace
 Stan's Famous Page. Including 39 links to more websites
1852  Irish Industrial Exhibition - Cork, Ireland
1853  The Great Industrial Exposition - Dublin, Ireland
1853-54  New York Crystal Palace Exposition - New York, New York
1854  Allgemeine Ausstellung Deutscher Industrie und Gewerbes Erzengnisse - Munich, Germany
1854  Exposition of Industry of all Nations -  New York, New York 
1854  Melborne Exhibition - Oct, Dec 1854 - Melborne, Australia 
1855  Dublin International Exhibition - Dublin, Ireland
1855  Exposition Universelle de Paris - 34 nations.
 New Palais de  L'industrie in the Champs Elysées.
 168,000 square meters. Cost: $25,000,000. Revenue: $3,000,000.
1857  Art Treasures Exhibition - Manchester, England
1860  Exposition Universelle - Besancon, France
1861  Victorian Exhibition - Oct, Nov 1861 - Melborne, Australia 
1862  Great London Exposition - 
International Exhibition - London, England
1862  International Agricultural Exhibition - Hamburg, Germany
1862  South Kensington, England
1864  Dutch Industry Exposition - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1864  Great Central Fair for the US Sanitary Commission - 
Philadelphia, PA, USA
1865  International Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures - 
Coberg Gardens - Dublin, Ireland
1865  New Zealand Exhibition - Jan, May 1865 - Dunedin, New Zealand
1865-66  Exposicao International - Oporto, Portugal
1866-67  Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia - Melborne, Australia
1867  Exposition Universelle de Paris - Champ de Mars and the Billancourt island.  687,000 square meters. Paris, France
1868  Exposition Maritime Internationale - Le Havre, France  
1870  Intercolonial Exhibition - Sydney, Australia
1871  Exposición Nacional - Córdoba, Argentina
1871  Exposition Universalle et Internationale - Lyon, France
1871  First Annual International Exhibition - London, England
1871-74  London, England
1872  Exhibition of Arts and Manufacturers  - Kyoto, Japan
1872  Exposition Universelle et Internationale - Lyon, France
1872  Second Annual International Exhibition - London, England
1872-73  Victorian Exhibition - Melborne, Australia
1873  Austrian Worlds Exhibition - Prater Park, Austria
1873  Vienna Worlds Exposition - Vienna, Austria
1873  Third Annual International Exhibition - London, England
1873  Interstate Industrial Exhibition of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois 
1873  Metropolitan Intercolonial Exhibition - Sydney, Australia 
1873  Vienna Universal Exhibition - Vienna, Australia 
1874  Esposizione Internazionale -  Rome, Italy   (NEVER HELD)
1874  Fourth Annual International Exhibition - London, England
1875  Intercolonial Exhibition - Sidney, Australia
1875  Nizhni Novgorod Fair - Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
1875  Victorian Intercolonial Exhibition - Melborne, Australia
1875-76  Exposicion Internacionale de Chile - Santiago, Chile
1876  Intercolonial Exhibition - Brisbane, Australia
1876  US International Centennial Exhibition - Stan's Famous Page.
 Including 31 links to more websites - Philadelphia, PA, USA
1877  First National Industrial Exhibition - Ueno Park, Tokyo,  Japan
1877  South African International Exhibition - Cape Town, South Africa
1878  Australian Juvenile Industrial Exhibition - Ballarat, Australia
1878  Exposition Universelle de Paris - Paris, France
1879-80  International Exhibition - Sydney, Australia
1879-80  Intercolonial Juvenile Industrial Exhibition - Melborne, Australia




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